Funny Cichlid at my LFS

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 19, 2015
So theres this cichlid at my LFS not sure what it is. I think its a Convict. Hes a perfectly healthy fish other than hell be swimming and all of the sudden just lay down. It was in a customers tank and it was getting beat up pretty bad by all the other fish. The owner put it in a recovery tank and was going to resale it when he noticed it acting really strange. It would swim a little bit and just sink to the bottom on its side and stay there for a while. Swim some more and lay down. Now of course anyone would figure its probably going to die but ill try and recover it anyways. A few weeks pass and its wounds heal and it seems healthy. However it continues to just lay on its side. Hes had it for a while now and he keeps it in his planted tank that he sell plants out of. Give him a something to lean against. The LFS guy thinks his swim bladder was messed up or something and now he keeps it as a not for sell fish. It pretty hilarious but sad at the same time.
Or it could be a goofy fish. Some just are.

It probably is the swim bladder.

You should buy it, unique fish are always cool.

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I would like to I have a 30 and if its a convict this one I'm looking at is already full grown. Might even try to breed them. That is if he can inseminate sideways.
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