gettin fed up!

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loki azrial

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 6, 2012
Scotland, Dunbartonshire
my goldies have been ill lately with fin rot but they have been treated and are making a great improvement they are now being treated for internal parasites, I'm just gettin disheartened now, I want my happy healthy aquarium back! I know ill have it back to normal soon though its just hard work

loki xxx
A little hard work never hurt anybody and will definitely be worth it once everything is back to normal. Good luck sounds like you love your fish as much as the rest of us!
my goldies have been ill lately with fin rot but they have been treated and are making a great improvement they are now being treated for internal parasites, I'm just gettin disheartened now, I want my happy healthy aquarium back! I know ill have it back to normal soon though its just hard work

loki xxx

I recently fought through a bout of fin rot with my platy tank only to have them all get wiped out by a bacterial infection. People will give you the best advice as to how to fix the issue on this site. I decided to listen to a friend that "thought" he knew better and I payed for it in the end. Trust what members of this forum tell you and you'll have healthy fish in the end :)
thanx for the words of encouragement, i agree the hard work will be worth it in the end, I just hate seeing my wee guys lookin miserable, although they are using the tank again. before with the fin rot they just floated about lookin so sad bless em but they are swimmin about now, and all fins are lookin great again :) wich I'm thrilled by because they are commets and I love their fins, my wee boy (hes 2) has been helping with the water changes and is loving lookin after the fish lol

loki xxx
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