Getting REALLY discouraged!!

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scape looks awesome man. good call on the labs. watch out for the zebras most of the time they're ok but there's been some nasty ones out there lol
NyteGTI said:
scape looks awesome man. good call on the labs. watch out for the zebras most of the time they're ok but there's been some nasty ones out there lol

Oh jeezz!! My luck!! Let's hope not! nd thanks bro took me forever!! I just moved something again about 40 minutes ago. Let's hope this is it now.
Hahah i think you will always be moving things! I never do just because my brother and i both have to agree on what is going to happen, and we never agree. Hahah
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Hahah i think you will always be moving things! I never do just because my brother and i both have to agree on what is going to happen, and we never agree. Hahah

I sit back and relax and then I'm like ya know what would look good... And I'm off. lol.
Hahah nice :) i have 2 mystery snails and last night we found a baby snail that was actually decent size! So every time i look at my tank it has been a search for more snails... Its getting annoying because i have only found 1!!
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Hahah nice :) i have 2 mystery snails and last night we found a baby snail that was actually decent size! So every time i look at my tank it has been a search for more snails... Its getting annoying because i have only found 1!!

Snails in a Cichlid tank?
Haha noo in my planted tank with glowlights/angelfish/hatchets/bottom dwellers. Haha an 2 snails...
Lady_Alia said:
I'm jealous!!! I can't keep snails in my tanks, they get eaten.

Hahaa whenever my snails take the hour long trip to the top of the tank to lay eggs, right when they reach the top my angelfish pecKs them off. Hahaah its kinda funny

What an awesome day for you man! Great job on the reconstruct and I'm happy to hear you bit the bullet to do it.

Another huge congrats on becoming fire chief again. You are the man!

What a great thing to get online and see! :)
steez said:

What an awesome day for you man! Great job on the reconstruct and I'm happy to hear you bit the bullet to do it.

Another huge congrats on becoming fire chief again. You are the man!

What a great thing to get online and see! :)

Thanks brother!! Yeah I has to do it, was the only way.

Mumma.of.two said:
CONGRATS!!!!!! Fire chief!!
Tank looks AMAZING!!!! :D even better than before!

Thank you Mumma!! :) it took me a while to get it just the way I like it. I camouflaged the Cichlid stones on the right with real rocks and pieces o slate to make it look more natural.

ronnieroach said:
dude.. AWESOME set up!! i am very jealous :) & i'm 'ocd' w/ my tank too so i feel ya on the quick renovations lol

Hahaha!!! Thanks roach!! Your tank is sweet so hearing that coming from you is AWESOME!!! :)

Thanks again everyone!!! :)
Congrats on making fire chief...Except now you have all the headaches that go with it...I know what that is LOL......Tank looks really good man. Can you tell me what your real plants are and maybe take a few pics? Im switching over to planted and all I have now is an annubias. Good luck on the new stock!
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