Going on vacation. How to feed?!?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 10, 2012
Lawrenceville, Ga
I am leaving Wed evening and I won't be home until Mon evening.

Tank 1: 1 - 3.5" jack Dempsey
Tank 2: 2 - 2" electric blue jack dempsey's and 1 common pleco 4"
Tank 3: 9 - 1/2" blue gene jack dempseys and 4 - 1.5" albino bn pleco

I'm most worried about tanks 2 and 3. what can I do for food while I'm gone? There is not anyone available to come over. Please help!
I'd say don't worry about it... Most Fish can go days ... Even nearly two weeks without eating ... I'm certain cichlids aren't any different. Do a PWC and feed the day before you go.
I'm on the opposite end and use fish feeder. My angels are way to precious for me to risk starving for any length of time. Having 3 tanks might be rough tho. Good luck.
I left my cichlids for a long weekend and came home to a disaster. I had 5 dead fish. I don't know what happened, and since I've been home everything has been fine. I tested the water and the ammonia was high, but a couple of hours later, after I removed the dead fish, it was significantly lower. The guy that cleans the tank for me told me that there were babies and they fought over them. I don't necessarily believe it, but there is nothing I can do about it now.

I won't chance it again, I will have an automatic feeder.
I have 2" cichlids who went on a food strike for over 2 weeks. I have fish who I had to treat for parasites for 10 days and not feed during treatment.

Your fish will be fine as long as you feed them the day before and do big water changes until you leave.
I did a large water change and I got an electric feeder for the fry tank. Everyone was fine when I got home, but very hungry!
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