Goldfish Breeding?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 9, 2003
I know next to nothing about fishy breeding habits. Earlier today, my mature male ryukin seemed to be making a bubble nest. At first I couldn't figured out what he was doing, bobbing his head in and out of the water, blowing bubbles into the about an inch worth of bubbles before he saw me staring and scurried off. But it looks so similar to what the bettas i've had have done....i got to wondering. Do goldfish make bubblenests? Or is my ryukin having an identity crisis?

Just as an aside...I believe both my goldies are males...but the ryukin has very distinct tubercles on his gill plates, the oranda does not, although it looks as though they are developing.
Just out of interest I've read several books on goldfish breeding (although I've no intentions on doing the same). Goldies are egg scatterers, and don't make nest, bubbles or otherwise. Also, goldies breeds only after a period of cool temperature followed by a gradual temperature rise - ie spring.

The goldies breeding ritual is like this: when the females are ready, the males chase them & bump into them to stimulate egg release, then the males release the sperm & that's it.

So I think your ryukin is just having a bit of fun impersonating a betta ... hope he doesn't get into the fighting thing! :lol:
I got some larger comets for my pond one day, and it really stormed the night. The next day they started chasing eachother all over the place, and i saw that the small commets were going nuts on the roots of the plants. I picked one up and saw some orange eggs. It's too bad the others got to the eggs before I could.
Roger, make sure there is some Anacharis, along with some driftwood, and rocks in your pond for cover, and you will get babies. Any kind of cover, really. With cover, not all the eggs get eaten, and the fry have places to hide. My comets breed every year. Prolly thousands of eggs, maybe 15 make it to adulthood.
I have a ton of anacharis. I also have a lot of lettuce and hyacynth which would have really good roots I would think. Maybe it will work next year.
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