Gravel for SW

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 17, 2011
Hi I have buy a bag of gravel. It was cheap and the look was ok. Pacific gravel #2 made by Geosystem (Hagen). After a search on Hagen website, I found out that is crushed coral. I have done the test with the vinegar and it do alot of bubble so it mean that is aragonite. I dont know what to think about it... what should I do? Is it good to use or it will be a nitrate factory like some ppl say? I dont care to vacuum this gravel unless is bad to do it. It will be a fish only tank and maybe a low amount of base rock or live rock (don't know yet). Help me plz it will be my first SW tank. TYVM!!
I just listen episode 02 of the new series Tanked. I love this show!!! They use crushed coral on their tank. Those guys are pro IMO. why they use it if its so bad...?
Personally I wouldnt go with crushed coral. Too many spaces for things to build up. Aragonite sand is pretty cheap too as is pool filter sand which is what I've been using lately. :)
Yeah but with the vinegar test, it show me that is aragonite. This is what i found weird. I have to buy PFS to build my 86g. Supose to have it next week so i can look at it. I can also look to use real sea sand (let the bio die and wash it), but the color is more brown when its wet.
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