Gravel wont come clean

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2004
ive rinsed my gravel propopbly 30 times already and i cant get it to come clean, it always comes out looking dark brown. any suggestions? All i ve been doing is filling the bucket that has the gravel in it with water anad then mixing up the gravel and then dumping the water. PLEASE help!!!
I believe you are talking about gravel you have not yet added to your tank, right? Use a spray nozzle on the end of a hose and tip the bucket so that the water can run out fairly freely and then just spray, spray, spray.
the gravel is flourite and i finally got it clean with the garden hose. I added it and stirred up a huge algea storm in my tank last night ( didnt think about cleaning off the old gravel :?). It is pretty clear today and i need to strat fixing every thing. I had no loses. thanks to all of you.
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