hair algae?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 1, 2004
I searched for this term, and couldn't find anything. I was wondering how do I get rid of it? What kind of fish would eat it... my otto and cory's dont touch it. I tried cleaning it, but comes back quickly. thanks!
The species ameca splendins (butterfly goodeid) is GREAT for getting rid of hair algae ... also, a siamese algae eater would do the trick.
yah, my old chineese algae eater would eat up everyhting, but the get big sortta fast. i fear he would eat all of otto's food
chinese algae eaters ... i am not a fan of those. I had them stress out my fish in a tank to death they were so fast. I personally stay away from them (golden chinese algae eater)
i always get confused between hair algae and staghorn, is the stuff you have sticky? As in it will trap debris, plants, fish or anything else it touches?

If so i"ve got the same stuff, i was almost over run with it a while ago but am slowly getting it under controll i think. None of my fish eat it, i've been upping the water changes, and stopped dosing ferts for a while, and manually pulling it out, i find the easiest way is to wrap it round my finger :D
Toirtis said:
I would go with the Ameca splendens...they will clear up hair algae in a flash.

Ive been looking and cant find them anywhere....have any suggestion?
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