Hello All, 10 gallon tank keeper

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 3, 2020
HI! My name is Justin and I'm from Alberta Canada.

I got into keeping fish 3-4months ago as a result of the quarantine situation and absolutely fell in love. I tried keeping 4 Pretty Tetras but sadly had to give them away as they were not schooling and fell into a bully situation where they were almost killing each other. I moved on to get 4 Corys and 2 Bettas(one after another). The bettas I kept sadly died quickly to fungal infections(Mouth fungus) no matter my efforts to cure them with salt baths, Rally Pro medication, and frequent water changes. I've added a few Amano shrimp since then to help with a hair algae bloom. I just noticed a couple white dots on a Cory this morning and was wondering if this is ich or another type of unsavory piggy backer. Any tips on how to keep these fish or just a general discussion would make my day. :thanks:

Looking forward to your responses
Welcome to the community.

Check out this article and it will help A LOT!


This will give you some excellent foundations and explain the nitrification cycle.

Plus always try to get your water changes the same temperature.

What are the water parameters, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, pH any others you might be able to share?
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