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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 13, 2003
So, the update on my tank:
after two treatments for the Ich, the catfish is looking more sick than ever. I removed him from the tank and have him quarantined in a different tank, but is there something I should do for him at this point? Should I leave him in the tank with the meds that seem to be killing him? This is frustrating, since he had no problems until I started putting stuff in thte tank.

any help would be much much appreciated.
Although I haven't treated a FW tank for ich in several years, I seem to remember that some catfish are very sensitive to some ich treatments. I would, assuming the catfish isn't infected with ich, keep him in the other tank until you have eradicated the parasites from the main tank. Then I would give the main tank at least a week with fresh AC in the filter to remove the meds before I put the cat back in there. JMHO.
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