Help ! 15 fish have died within 4 days !!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 24, 2004
Symptoms: fish color has darkened; erosion on fins, mouth and head; skin looks like it is being shed; cloudy eyes (speckled); small worms (2mm) in tank; mites on water surface; fish flicking and rubbing against objects; rapid gill movement.

What I've done: ensured there's enough oxygen; added anti fungus finrot, aquarium first aid plus; increased the temp to 81F.

Any advice is very welcome.
[center:23828bf928] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, ScottishFish! :n00b: [/center:23828bf928]
How long have the mites and worms been there? To save your fish, you need to get rid of the unwanted guests. How often do you do water changes? do you vacuum the gravel when you change the water? How large is the tank? How many/what kinds of fish are you keeping?
Welcome to Aquarium Advice!

Keeper may well be on the right track here. I suspect the 'worms' and 'mites' may simply be symptoms of the same thing that's causing the problems with your fish...poor water quality. If you have the appropriate test kits available, please test for the parameters that Keeper recommended and let us know what they are.

If you don't have any test kits then I might suggest you do a 25% water change (making sure, of course, that the water you add is at the right temperature) and cut back on feeding for a few days. The symptoms your fish are exhibiting MAY be the result of excessively high levels of nitrites or ammonia. There are some diseases that can cause similar symptoms but I suggest we rule out water quality issues first.

You didn't mention what kinds of fish you have and what kinds of fish have died. This is also important in trying to diagnose the problem.
Thanks, I'll follow up on this. I'll purchase a testing kit to ensure environment is healthy. The fish that died are: 3 scissor tails, 2 angel fish, 1 silver shark, 3 purple chilids, 1 ram chilid, 2 black widows, 1 swordtail, 1 flying fox, 1 sucking loach; recently 1 angel fish, 1 red tail shark.
Still alive, but poorly, are: 1 scissor tail, 2 silver dollars, 2 silver sharks, 2 sword tails, 4 gouramis, 1 blind cave fish, 1 plec.
Tank size 48 x 12 x 18 (inches); temp between 75 and 79. Complete cleanout and water change monthly.
Complete cleanout and water change monthly.
That's not necessary. In a healthy tank, a 15-25% water change with gravel vacuuming is all you need.

Post your water parameters when you get the tests and we can help from there.
Right, never do complete water change monthly in a healthy tank. Although in a very unhealthy one, at times that is whats needed, but never do that regularly. How long have you had the fish btw? Did you introduce any new fish recently?
you must by a book on FISH CARE!!! NOW!!!!!!!!
give ur fish to someone who knows how to take care of fish. dont get fish again til you have red that book cover to cover!!!!!!!!
mollywolly, that is harsh advice. ScottishFish came here asking for advice on how to improve the situation for his fish.
im not try'in to be mean. these things don't happen overnight!
im not trying to be mean but something that severe wouldnt happen that easily. The fish would have to be severely neglected.
these things don't happen overnight!
No, and hindsight is always 20/20 :wink: You will find that many people get here due to trouble in their tank that could be avoided. We give advice on how to fix it :D
I think mollywolly is right. Scottishfish's tank wouldnt crash like that if he tested it weekly, had the proper number of fish, vaccumed the gravel, changed the water, PAID ATTENTION TO HIS FISH'S HABITS, and etc.

SCOTTISHFISH-please buy a book and LEARN something
So many people see a cute little animal and buy it without any research first. Thats why problems like these occur.
Regardless what happen to your fish (dead/sick/etc) just continue to partial change (20-30%) your tank water every few day till the situation improve.

After everything when alright then do partial water change at weekly basis.

Everything will be fine :)
Hey, everyone has the right answers here and I feel you man when you look forward to having some pets and you wonder what go wrong: Here is what I suggest to everyone who gets in the hobby:

1) Know as much as you can about the nitrogen cycle, since this can be what makes almost 70% of people quit the hobby for not knowing.
2) Read as much as you can about the diet, behavior and compatability of the fish you are considering.
3) NO MATTER WHAT, Make sure that you know your water parameters PH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Oxygen levels.
4) Read at least one good book on the type of aquarium you are considering in taken care of.

I know that if these steps are taken serious, then you will be the 30% of Hobbyists that love and will enjoy the hobby for years to come.
If someone came here for help, and got attacked, they may very well not come back, which won't help their fish. I didn't read a book, I relied on forums like this. Books don't always make sense.
This person may have made some mistakes, but he came here for help, which is the right step. I made mistakes, too, when I started, but thankfully got the help I needed and everything turned out right, without me getting attacked or blasted in the process. Notice how the author of this thread has gotten kinda quiet? I don't blame him.
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