Help betta breed!!!

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Yes I saw them wrap each other and put the eggs in the nest. I'm not sure what the male has been doing he has been moving the nest around in the cup and it looks like he has added more bubbles. As for them temp its around 78 I think that my heater is broken I never see the light come on. Lol
This is important....

Yes I saw them wrap each other and put the eggs in the nest. I'm not sure what the male has been doing he has been moving the nest around in the cup and it looks like he has added more bubbles. As for them temp its around 78 I think that my heater is broken I never see the light come on. Lol

I hate to say this but this is elementry stuff: If your tank has a heater, it should also have a thermometer. I have yet to see a digit (a finger) that can tell the exact temp of water consistantly accurately :facepalm:
FYI: 76 is around 78 but will make the eggs take longer to hatch. 80 is around 78 and will make the eggs take shorter to hatch than 76. :blink:

At this point, check the underside of the nest to look for tails (y)
My betta fry have just hatched a few days ago and I have tried to feed them but I'm not sure if they are eating! I'm feeding them instant brine shrimp. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had any successes with this product??
Feeding Betta Fry...

My betta fry have just hatched a few days ago and I have tried to feed them but I'm not sure if they are eating! I'm feeding them instant brine shrimp. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had any successes with this product??

I usually use newly hatched Brine Shrimp that I hatch out myself. It's easy and doesn't take a lot of effort. (Also, the movement of the shrimp stimulates the natural urge to feed.)
The fry need to be in the free swimming stage before you should feed them. If they are not horizontal, they are not ready yet. Age does not determine when to feed, life stage does.
The best way of seeing if they are eating for me is to use a flashlight and a high powered magnifying glass. You should see a pink/orange belly full of shrimp after you've fed. If you are not seeing this, they are probably not eating it.
As a side note, I mostly go on faith the first day after the fry become free swimming that they are eating the infusoria that developes on the lettuce I used to spawn them with. They are too small and my eyes can't pick up the green color in the belly. What I do is the day they become free swimming, I start hatching brine. The day after free swimming, I feed the brine. (I use 88-90 degree water to hatch the brine in under 24 hours.)

Lastly, just for the record, what was the temp in the tank?

Anyway, Congratulations on becoming a grandfather :D (y) Are you ready to start putting away all that money for college for the grandkids? :lol:
My 5gal tank temp is a 78. And the are free swimming and have been for a few days now.
That's why...

My 5gal tank temp is a 78. And the are free swimming and have been for a few days now.

The tank being at 78 is the reason your eggs took a bit longer to hatch than those that are in 80 degrees. It's amazing how the temp variation of such small amount can change the outcome.
If the fry are free swimming, you should be doing the live brine by now. Follow the instructions I gave you in the last post.

Finally, To be politically correct, I must apologize. I referred to you as a grandfather in my last post but really meant to say grandparent as I don't know your gender. Please accept my sincerest apologies :flowers:

Keep me posted (y)
Thank you for your advice! And I am a grand father thanks though!
I use a 12" chimney from a hurricane lamp to put my female in.. This way they both have swimming room and she stays safe until they both show they are ready to breed. It's also fun to watch them "dance around" with one another while they are courting.
Female Betta

Hi, I had a pair of bettas and the male died. They were both swimming around and he didn't go after her. So, I bought another male betta and the female is attacking the male! I couldn't believe it, he is hiding from her. Is this something that happens very often? Thanks for listening.:thanks:
maggie3 said:
Hi, I had a pair of bettas and the male died. They were both swimming around and he didn't go after her. So, I bought another male betta and the female is attacking the male! I couldn't believe it, he is hiding from her. Is this something that happens very often? Thanks for listening.:thanks:

You have to keep them separate and condition them for breeding with live or frozen food. They are only together to breed. Then pull the female after eggs are laid.

If they don't breed, separate them again.
Hi, I am a Plakat breeder. The reason why they are not breeding is because your not introducing the female to the male for a long period of time. And another thing is sometimes the pair just doesnt work out. But no worries get another plakat from a good quality bloodline from over sea. You'll be happy with all the work and time you put in raising them. Petco and other stores that carries bettas most of them have diseases and or unhealthy. And condition them for 2 weeks with quality food.
With all due respect....

Hi, I am a Plakat breeder. The reason why they are not breeding is because your not introducing the female to the male for a long period of time. And another thing is sometimes the pair just doesnt work out. But no worries get another plakat from a good quality bloodline from over sea. You'll be happy with all the work and time you put in raising them. Petco and other stores that carries bettas most of them have diseases and or unhealthy. And condition them for 2 weeks with quality food.

This sounds like it's from someone who has an agenda for buying fish overseas.
My most recent endeavor with breeding Bettas again (which started about 3 years ago) included 90% of my breeding stock coming from PetCo, PetSmart and Walmart stores. These fish are not all systematically diseased and unhealthy just because they come from the big box stores. The few hundred fish I've sold from these breeders are proof of that. You can find good ones if you look and know what to look for. I prefer to buy from Mom & Pop stores but there were none available at the time where I live. But I'm biased in this preference and not ashamed to admit it :D.
As for the assumption that the fish weren't breeding because of the way of the introduction, there really wasn't enough info given to determine difinitively WHY the fish didn't breed. The fact that the original male died sounds like possibly the fish wasn't healthy enough to breed in the first place. ( Do we know the origin of this fish? )The second male being beaten up by the female could be that the female is actually a Plakat male or he may have been too small or too young to have been put together with this female. (A pic might help solve this question ;))
Considering that the OP sounds like a newbie, there's too many unanswered questions in the posting for definite conclusions.
In my opinion ;)
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