Help! Epidemic maybe?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 27, 2003
New York

So here's the thing. My tank, up until recently has been amazing. Plant growth has been great, and the fish have been seemingly fine.

However, about 4 days ago, a couple of my angels died and since, about 7 more fish have died. They all looked completely healthy except the angel that died. It was very new to the tank, it NEVER ate and eventually looked sick and died. The other fish that died, however, never showed any symptoms of illness.

A little more about the tank. It is a 75gal planted. I do weekly water changes(30%) and feed twice a day without excess. I checked the chemistry and all important factors are totally fine(NH3, nitrite/ate, pH has been steady - no rapid changes and temp is steady at 81). Now I have had the tank up and running well since Jan and have NOT done any changes to any of the media in the filter - could that be a potential problem? None of the fish in my tank now have any symptoms of disease at all! Just hoping I am not ignoring warning signs of disaster in my tank.

Also, on that note, what is the real word on changing filter media if at all? I have talked to several different "experts", researched on the net, and at the LFS and everyone says something somewhat different. Do I just rinse? Or change completely some of the media? I have a Eheim 3-tray.

Anyways, thanks for any help!


PS - I have a community tank (bout 25 fish) of tetras, cats, plecos, platys, gouramis, guppies, mollies, blue rams, and a loach.
You mentioned things started going downhill with the new angel. How new was he? Did you quarantine him before putting him in (you'll want to disinfect that tank too). If not, I HIGHLY suggest investing in a QT tank. Wally mart carries 10g for around 10$. That and a cheap filter and heater will save you money in the end.

It sounds like disease. Prob from the new guy. Were there any symptoms you can describe besides the new guy not eating? Clamped fins? Heavy breathing? What do you mean by "looked sick"? Were you able to do a sort of autopsy on any of the dead ones? To check for parasites, morphic changes?

I realise you say no rapid changes, but what are the numbers for ammonia/nitrites/nitrates? Are they reading zero? Easier for us to help with exact numbers.

I know this is a lot of questions. The more info you give, the better the chances of someone figuring out what happened.

Oh and as for changing filter media. I rinse mine at least once a week. After doing that a number of times (between 3 and 7 I find) I usually just replace. The spaces where the debris gather usually get too darned clogged after a while. I do have a bio-wheel, so technically I could change the filter media at will and not mess with my bacterial colony. Its too expensive to do that tho LOL
HI There--

THanks for your advice!

As for the quarantine tank, I have never done that, but I am thinking it is the best option for now. I am not adding anymore fish for awhile since the outbreak.

As for disinfecting the tank, what does that entail? I would hate to add chemicals to the tank since the tank is planted. I don't want to disrupt that. However, I have added Melafix in the past and nothing happened to the plants. Should I think about that again? I would if I have to, but hesitate to do so....

Also, so the best advice is to rinse the media and not change it? I want to make sure I don't disrupt the bacteria all that much.

As for the compound readings, they are reading zero. It looks like on that end it is ok. I just want to make sure there isn't anything I am overlooking. The sick angel when I got it, looked fine, however it just didn't eat at all and as a result, the skin got all pasty and it eventually died. The other fish that died, however,didn't exhibit the same pastiness.

I hope that helps in the diagnosis.

Thanks again for the help!
Heh, I should clarify; I meant disinfecting the QT tank.

Are any fish currently showing any signs of disease? Not eating, clamped fins, anything? If not, I would hesitate to medicate (thats just me; other may recommend differently. Obviously the ultimate choice will be yours) as I don't like to medicate if I am not sure exactly what it is I'm medicating for.

When you say pasty, what exactly do you mean? Loss of color? Was there an overgrowth of slime coat? Did it look like someone dusted it with salt or with gold dust?

What sort of filter do you use? I've a couple of one made by Marineland (Eclipse, Penguin and an Emperor) which all have Bio-wheels. So it makes no diff if I clean OR remove as a large portion of my bacterial colony is on the Bio-wheel. I just don't replace all the time and instead rinse it out in tank water half the time cause those filter cartridges are expensive.

I highly recommend a QT tank. Was one of the best purchases I've made in this habit of mine LOL I've an angel it QT right now; one more week left and if he remains healthy he joins the crew!
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