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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 29, 2012
I am going on vacation and will be away for 4 weeks in December. I have co2 and lights ready, but should I start planting now? If I would, I'd leave the lights and co2 on timers. However, I'm afraid that something bad will happen if no one is maintaining the tank i.e. algae or co2 problems. Any input will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I think the best route is to wait to get the new plants until you get back. Less worries for you while on vacation. Plants can get uprooted and if theirs little attention paid to the tank, the plants may die after floating around for 3-4 weeks.

However, if it were me, I would get the plants, because I might spend all my plant money while on vacation. If I could stash away 200 bucks in a safe, that would assure I will get the plants and have a nice vacation.

I know how I'm handling my week in the sticks. Doing all the maintenance the night before. This is a water change test and algae scrape of the glass. The new heater will go in a few days before so I can level off the temps at 80. I'll be putting the lights on a timer and calling in a feeding order every day.

Last time I went away, and I was leaving for Vegas every few weeks, the fish were basically left alone. Not going to let that happen again. Took them a week to get back into normal ground.

It's a cruel question to ask of poor folks like me. I tend to want the cake and a chance to eat it too.
Since you are doing CO2 I would wait. You really need to be around for at least the first week or two to monitor your fish and adjust the CO2 levels so you don't end up with dead fish.

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