Help!! Tiny live white specs!!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 29, 2011
Woke up and noticed little i mean tiny white slug look things on the glass of my tank. Bad??
Hi those would be called planaria.. Tiny white worms moving around in tank and on glass..usually tanks that are over fed and lack of tank maintenance like gravel vacuuming are cause.. They multiply if not taking care of and if you were to cut 1 in half it would grow into 2 different worms..

If you google this people have tried different methods on how to treat it.. I had a case of planaria in my tank and i used a low dose of dog dewormer and put the powder in my tank around dinner time and the next morning woke up they were all gone.. I just wanna say that i was skeptical and removed my fish to a doctor tank prior to doing this. But it worked!!

So please research and try different things before attempting.

Most things i read was to:
Gravel vacuum everyday for a week.
Use aquarium salt.
Stop feeding.(worms cant eat they will die)

Like i said i tried all with no luck except for the dog dewormer..
Planaria or nematodes or if they are not very long compared to width they could be very young snails? I don't think I'd worry about the first two unless breeding cos I understand planaria to take fish eggs and shrimplets. Snails can be a problem with plants but assassin snails have been a good solution.
Planaria have a pointy diamond shaped head. At least mine do.
Don't overfeed.
Talked to my local fish stire guy, he said its baby snails that traveled in live plants from **** petco! Clown loaches and assassin snails will take care if them.
Talked to my local fish stire guy, he said its baby snails that traveled in live plants from **** petco! Clown loaches and assassin snails will take care if them.

i still think they are planaria because otherwise theyd have shells. i wonder if assassins eat planaria?
I think your right. Clown loaches eat em too. I have a tiger shovel nose red tail hybrid that will eat guppies like their ntn
Idk if mine is thr same as op, but mine aren't worm like at all. They look more like snails, but are too small to tell.
I've got snails breeding in a tank and for a few days they're just white blobs. The shells only become noticeable later.
I kno for sure I don't have any snails at all and these things have been around for about 2-3 months. Mine aren't getting bigger so im fairly certain they aren't snails. I wish I could snap a pic but they are so tiny.

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