Help! Various problems!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 30, 2013
Cardiff, S.Wales
My partner and I have a 34 gallon tank and did everything the LFS said to do with regards to cycling the tank and stocking it.

I had been told by the LFS (who are very knowledgeable about cichlids so assumed I would be safe in listening to their advice) that I would be better off packing the tank with as many cichlids as I could.

They advised buying between 15-20 cichlids firstly then adding another 10-15 totalling 30 Malawis in my tank in total. They said it would curb aggression in the tank to pack it and that there would be no danger of the tank becoming overcrowded and having to re-home any of them. I thought this was a little too many given the research I had done about various Malawis sizes.

In the past I have only ever added 3 fish at a time at the most as thought that was the safest way to add fish, however the LFS advised that this could cause serious aggression problems and that adding a lot at the same time is the easiest way to stop aggression and that I wouldn't have any problems with water levels.

We bought 15 various Malawi cichlids and two Pictus catfish and added them to the tank on the 29th October.

After adding them to the tank I did some more research to find out whether 15 cichlids would be just right and posted my setup on these forums. A few have said that 15 will be about right and to not add any more cichlids.

It's now been four days since they have been in the tank and I've noticed a few problems already I would appreciate any help anyone can give me on the problems I have:

Problem 1:

We have aggression problems with some of the cichlids, mainly our brightest Johanni. He is very territorial and has picked a side of the tank to burrow in. He chases almost all of the other fish around the tank and it seems the only way to stop him is to put the coral sand he moves around his rock back to normal to make him start digging again and keep him busy.
I understand we need to buy more rocks and I'm going to go at the earliest opportunity to get some more and pack the tank with new places to hide.
I've also moved some of the longer silk plants in various places to try and break his line of sight.
Is there anything else I can do?

Problem 2:
We have a powder blue (sorry not sure of the name of him) that seems very battered and bruised at the moment. All the other fish seem to pick on him. It seemed to happen after my 50% water change today. I don't currently have any equipment to seperate him in the tank so I've improvised with a plastic tupperware box balancing on the water and popped him in there for now. I'm worried about his survival. Anything I can do to help pull him through?
Will he be safe to add back to the tank if he recovers?

Problem 3:
I have noticed the two Pictus have Ich. I am currently in the process of raising the temperature and will be buying some aquarium salt tomorrow.
I'm hoping that the natural method will cure them.

Problem 4:
I have noticed some tears in fins from other cichlids. Could this be because of the aggression or could I have another problem on my hands?

Could the Ich be aggravating the fish to fight?
Should I add more cichlids after Ich is cured?

My current levels are as follows:

PH = 8
Ammonia = 0.25ppm
Nitrite = 0.25 ppm
Nitrate = 10ppm

Are these levels because I have added so many fish at once? :(
Please help me, I'm very worried about my little fish.

oh my, first off that employee probably wasn't experienced with cichlids because packing 30 cichlids in a 30 gallon tank is extremely dumb :p, most africans grow to 5" or 6" avg. For a 30 gallon tank there should be no more than 4 or 5 cichlids because they need space to swim and they get very territorial. I would recommend either taking some of them back or upgrading to a larger tank. Also with such small space the parameters are going to go off the charts because of the waste produced. Since there is such a small space and so many cichlids that is the reason for the ripped fins, they are all trying to fight for there territory and in the end some of your fish will die from getting beat up. Hope this solves your question.

I have a 90 gallon tank with about 15 or so african cichlids
Your tank is way over stocked. IMO a 34 is way to small for any type of rift lake community tank. 55 is considered standard size and 15 is pretty much stocked at that size. My best advice would be take your numbers down to maybe 6-8 or take them all back and do some dwarf cichlids like apistogramma, pelvicachromis, mikrogeophagus etc
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