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ohio reefer

Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 15, 2003
dayton ohio
hair algea is taking over what can i do? i have a lawnmower blenny that only really cleans the back wall. i was thinking of getting some sally light foots but how may can i get for 120gal.

any other ideas?

my tank is just over its cycle.

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0

specific gravity 1.025
ph 8.3
temp 80-84 degrees
calcium 450

thanks for your help!

Here are some thoughts...

1) Did you test your P04? If you're not using RO/DI water, you might be getting some P04 from your tap water.
2) That is pretty common after a cycle because the nitrates will fuel the algae. It may stop growing quite as fast now that the nitrate is 0.
3) Back off on the lights to just a few hours a day until it's under control.
4) If you want crabs to eat the hair algae, I know that you can do one of those "Build Your Own" packages on and if I remember correctly if you buy $60 worth it's free shipping and they have a spectacular deal on emerald crabs. I seem to remember paying $4 each for them with free shipping.
I have a small amount of Hair Algae in one location and my emeralds seem to do the job.
If It is a new tank and this is normal. You just have to suffer through it. It will go away on its own. It can take up to 6 months to get through the algae bloom phase.
Yes, it can certainly take a while. My fish tank looked like a golf course in the rough for a few months after I finished cycling. It was insane!
I put sallies in my tank and they took care of my hair algae, if the tuft is really long you might have to manually remove it, but they can take down anything under an inch long. Some will say they are bad cause they will eat small fish when they get large and such, I have to disagree with that personally. I have a mated pair of fully grown sallies and my little chromis sleep next to them all the time. I do keep them fed by attaching very small amount of macros to LR rubble with rubber bands, but only twice a week (after the hair algae was gone that is). Now that I have a tang they share in the seaweed I feed him and I don't have to do that. One of the most enjoyable experiences I have had with my tank was watching them attack the hair algae, they are like vaccums. Best of luck!
Gauge said:
Yes, it can certainly take a while. My fish tank looked like a golf course in the rough for a few months after I finished cycling. It was insane! ain't kidding. :wink:
It seems to be a hit and miss thing with any algae eaters. During my tribulation with hair algae, I had enough to feed a cow, but only some of my algae eaters would look at it. I had 7 emerald crabs, 35ish hermits, a regal blue tang, and a bi-color blenny. All of them are supposed to take an interest in algae (at least, according to some people), and only some of them did. The tang worked on it a bit, and the emeralds did as well. The hermits didn't seem to do me any good, nor did the blenny. I figure the blenny was helping somehow, though, because he didn't eat for 3 months and somehow never got thin from it.
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