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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 10, 2005
Ontario Canada
I bought 10 tetras today

-5 red eye
-5 some kind where you see through them(not neon)

my aquarium is starting to have that "full" look to it. more "alive".

heres the problem I have mainly grey fish. I got 2 red gouramis that light up the place but its still dark. I was thinking of neon tetras but they're small and im afraid my gouramis would eat them. Any ideas for a colourful fish that I can have school for under $20?

or maybe a few larger fish that are colourful for under $20
You can go for parrot fish. They are 15 dollars here (american currency). they come in great varieties and are rather large. I'm not sure how they would go with your other fish...
Parrots come in yellow or orange/red. The other colors, stay away from. They are painted.

The parrots that I have are rather large and rather aggressive. I wouldn't put them with Tetra's.

What kind of fish interest you? An example would be good.
I want more colourful fish. Like gouramis but i already have 5

wow rainbow fish are gorgeous.

are they friendly with community fish?
killifish are very pretty as well... if you want more tetras, I'd suggest rummynosed tetras. Those guys are cool.
My rainbowfish are peaceful. I have 5 in a community tank. You might also want to consider a pair of blue rams. I have found these also to be peaceful and keep mine in a community tank no problem
the fish in that picture look like the ones they have in my lfs excepted labelled as killifish american flag fish. could this be a mistake?
GIMojo said:
I was thinking of neon tetras but they're small and im afraid my gouramis would eat them.

I have 2 red sunset gouramis and they have not hurt any of my neons. I keep the neons in a school of 8.
hmm, which is more expensive german blue rams or the american flaggies.

i think the store made a mistake

if the blue rams are more pricy ill just buy them at the american flag price :D
Nice choice on the red-eyes....I really like them and find them all too often under-rated....plus they actually get fairly big...with space, good food and good water, they will hit 7cm (2.75") each, making them pretty impressive fish.
cinnastix911 said:
You can go for parrot fish. They are 15 dollars here (american currency). they come in great varieties and are rather large. I'm not sure how they would go with your other fish...

Parrot cichlids will eat anything that can fit in their mouths, and will likely make a snack of your tetras. They may harrass your other fish too.

I think the rainbows would look great in your tank, but they can be expensive- at least the ones here are. A pair of apistogramma would be stunning, but can be difficult to find. Check out a. cacatuoides and a. agassizi if you're interested.

BTW- "The Rainbow Fish" is a great kids' book- I loved it! :D
lol yeh i really enjoyed it when i was a kid. the pictures were cool. the fish were sparkly.

rainbow fish at my lfs at 11 dollars and they dont look very pretty. I dont know what to buy.

wierd my red eye tetras have the top of their fin bitten off. i hope they can grow back.
GIMojo said:
rainbow fish at my lfs at 11 dollars and they dont look very pretty. I dont know what to buy.

Keep in mind these get more colorful as they mature, and the ones in the store are usually pretty young. My rams were way less colorful in the store as well.
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