how many aquariums do you own?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 23, 2006
Toledo, Ohio
i have a 55 gal with my display fish

a 20g for smaller fish i bought on impulse, when i started tropical tanks and, now regret

and a 10g for my clawed frog, although he used to, and will probably live in again 20g

MTS really creeps up on you, but i know my 3 tanks probably arent half as bad as the many others some have
1x55g "big fish" tank (houses loaches, rams, mollies, large cories, and an angel) these are big fish for me, as all i have owned till this point are tetras and bettas basically

2x20g (one is a community tank for my little fish, one is a barb tank with 9 tiger barbs)

3x10g (one is an overflow community tank, one is for my female bettas, and one is temporarily for my goldies)

2x2.5g (for two of my bettas)

1x5g (my guppy tank)

yea, i have a problem. Only reason I have yet to set up my african cichlid tank is because i do not hve any more room in my place for it (i have a really tiny apartment)
1x75g community (rams, tetras, loaches, rainbows, corys, otos)
1x10g betta (divided in middle - 1 crown tail, 1 splendens)
1x2.5g betta

1x125g paludarium (turtle habitat)

I still have an empty 10, 20, and 29, so who knows!
55g community, 5g hospital, and 2g i just started to raise snails.
3 setup

55g planted community (fish in my sig)
29g planted community (ditto)
10g betta and harlequin rasbora tank...planted wildly :)

2 empty

55g soon to be Mbuna tank
38g will be planted tank (harlies will move here, plus some tetras, cories, pleco, and maybe my biggest angel)

I have MTS but not as bad as some people. If I didn't live at home with my parents and had more money, mine would be worse. I just keep thinking about the day when I move out....that will be a rough day!

I would like to have a 5.5g tank for my betta (10g will be QT/hospital) MTS is continuing slowly! :D
125g heavily planted
29g housing my turtle and 2 kribensis
soon to be a 10g for raising cherry shrimp
Hmm. I guess 8 all together.

55 gal community tank
45 gal cichlid tank (currently with convicts)
10 gal planted/invert tank
10 gal empty/sw qt
29 gal reef
55 gal turtle tank (two RES)
2.5 gal betta tank
2.5 gallon empty tank
I have 3 right now but with my gf going to school this fall i'm inheriting her tank until summer so I have:

46 gal community tank (spotted cory, julii cories, glass catfish)
10 gal qt (a few danios to keep it maintained as I stock my 46)
5 gal hex (4 harlequin rasboras, 1 hillstream loach)
and if I take over my gfs tank
10 gal (guppies, and swordtails)

I already have plans for getting a 100+ in the next few months once I find a new place.
5 right now, only 3 set up at the moment:

29G community (the tank that started it all)
125G heavilly planted community (eventually w/angels and GBRs)
20G quarantine
55G (empty) GF's community tank
55G (empty) future brackish tank (maybe)
I have....

-56 gallon column discus tank heavily planted
-12 Gallon Eclipse Reef saltwater tank
-4 Gallon tank with some micro sword and 2 platies on my desk at work

I don't have MTS too bad because I don't have space!
The 4 in my sig
90 sw
50 fw
29 fw
10 fw

And an 80g bow front with a busted bottom in the garage...gotta get to work on that one ;)
Up and running:
5 gallon Eclipse betta tank
20 gallon community w/ dwarf cichlids
29 gallon community w/ Bolivian rams
30 gallon long w/ parrot cichlids, convict, loaches, & rainbow shark
55 gallon SA/CA cichlids

In storage:
5 gallon hex Eclipse
10 gallon
27 gallon hex
one active 55 gallon community

one currently empty 10-gallon betta or quarantine tank

one empty 2-gallon tank I bought before I figured out it was too small to keep anything in there without feeling guilty about it.

My goal is to get another 55 or a 75 and connect it to my existing tank with a bridge. But that won't be happening anytime soon.
Well i have roomates, so these arent all mine. but here is our house list of Aquariums....

55 g South American Ciclids
55 g w/ tinfoil barbs and Silver dollars
29 g SW (still cycling)
20 g heavily planted with gouramis and one needle fish
10 g with feeders for the needlefish (soon to be a nano-reef?)
1.5 g with a snail and dwarf frog

6 total
I have 1-125 gal, 1-75 gal, 1-33 gal, 1-29 gal, 1-10 gal, 2-15 gals, 3-29 gals, 1-5 gal. In the process of purchasing either a 55 or a 90 gal. :) I do NOT have a problem.
Currently set up and running:
2 55's various species of African cichlids, praecox rainbows, S. petricola
1 38, breeding tank for the adult S. petricola
1 29, pair of Tanganykian spiney eels, and a group of young cichlids
1 10, heavily planted, cherry shrimp and snails
Waiting to be set up when the basement work is finished, 1 30 long, 1 30 tall.
Two 29 gallons, and I want more, but until I can be patient enough to get these tanks in perfect condition, I won't be able to allow myself to.

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