how to raise ph in cichlid aqarium?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 19, 2013
My tank is all set up, with water running and heater going. I'm confused on how to raise the pH. I bought Proper pH 8.2 but it didn't do anything. In the directions it said to never add proper pH 8.2 without the cichlid salt?

I'm also worried if the pH is too high it could kill my new fish. Should I find out what the pH of the water is at the pet sore is before I raise it?

and what do I need to raise it? HOW do I raise? UGH. I'm new at this whole cichlid thing they need so much but I really want to try this!

Do I need salts for my tank? I reasearched and some say no and some say yes.

and I have Quick Start and Quick Start Stress coat to condition my water. Would it be bad if I added in another type of water conditioner? like ammonia remover? is it bad to mix it all up like that?

sorry for all the questions you must all thing im horrible but I need to know! HELP! thanks
read these articles they have very good information in them. When you first set up a new tank you need to "cycle" the tank. Also go get a good test kit, the strips are junk. I use the API freshwater master test kit, alot of people on here also use it. While your tank is cycling you should be doing daily water changes to lower the ammonia level in the water. Ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fish

I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?! - Aquarium Advice

when you add a fish to your tank you need to acclimate them to their new water parameters, this goes for all fish not just cichlids. You can do this 2 different ways

1. Drip acclimation - put fish in small bucket with the water that came in the bag. Get some airline tubing and tie a loose knot in it. Syphon water from your tank into the bucket slowly. It should only be a slight drip into the bucket. If the water is flowing too fast tighten the knot in the airline tubing. This way is allows your fish to adjust slowly to PH, and temp.

2. Float unopened bag with water and fish in your aquarium for a 1/2 hour to adjust to the tempature of your new aquarium. After the 1/2 hour open fish bag, roll the sides down slighlty. Add a small cup of water every 1/2 hour until the bag is full of water. After that get a bucket and net fish into his new home. Don't just dump the bag with fish store water into your aquarium, you don't know whats in their water.

quick start is supposed to help start the "cycle" of your tank, there is debate whether or not it actually works. You don't need to be adding ammonia remover during cycling..water changes are the best thing for you fish. When changing water match the temp. from your tap to the tank water and add water conditioner to tank. The API stess coat is the water conditioner

don't use PH up products, they aren't needed inless your tank has very low PH. In most cases your fish will adjust to the new PH just fine. Wild caught fish are a different story
The main thing is that your water parameters don't have huge swings up or down and stay relatively consistent all the time. But like Quest said you need to have a properly cycled tank to start with. Most fish that have been bred in captivity are fairly adaptable to water conditions as long as they stay constant and the fish are acclimated properly . Crushed coral is one way that you can naturally raise the pH of your tank, it is better than using chemicals. You can buy it to add to your filter or you can buy it as a substrate for the tank.(it looks like the gravel in my tank below.)


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