How's this set of fish?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 27, 2004
Taking out my 6 angels and 2 clown loaches i'm planning to order online from :

6 amano shrimp
1 pair of guppy
4 bumble bee gobies
3 chinese butterfly loach
2 endler's male
4 glass catfish (along with one in my tank)
1 american flag fish
3 ballon molly
3 otos (i have 4 in my tank and 3 SAE)
3 Punctatus Cory
5 Threadfin Rainbow (They seem to interest me alot)
1 Yoyo loach

i want to get a tank of unique fish to impress viewers how does it look?
It's your tank and you should do what makes you happy. My first impression is that you have too many bottom feeders. JMO
Bumble bee gobies do best in brackish water. I have bb gobies and Celebes Rainbows in a brackish tank and they are stunning. I had some bb gobies in a FW tank a couple of years ago and it was heart beraking. First, the other fish outcompeted the bb gobies for food and secondly, I did not understand their need for salt. They lived for less than a year and even with attempting to hand feed them, they withered away :cry: Now, my bbs are active and colorful--you can see a pic of one in my gallery. They are cute, which is why I dedicated a tank to them!
The Hillstream (chinese butterfly) loach is a fish that does best in a cooler tank with lots of current. I could not keep mine alive--I had two in separate tanks and they died within two days of each other. Both tanks were peaceful, tropical tanks.
Personally, I would not add either of those fish.

Instead, increase the number of yo-yos to three, as they do better in larger numbers. Also increase the number of Threadfins--they will be a striking addition to your tank. They are similar to the Celebes that I keep. Mine are always at the top of the tank shooling or shoaling--you will not be disappointed. For a pleco that is unique (instead of hillstreams), get a bristle nosed pleco. I posted pics of mine here:
There are some that get a ton of bristles. Mine is still young, so I don't know what will happen.
And I would definetely increase the number of corie cats. If you want unique cory cats, look into pygmy cats. They grow to about an 1" and are more active than their larger cousins.
thanks for the suggestions
sad that i'm unable to keep the gobies, some fish store told me that they were kept in freshwater and did fine. Hmm scratch that one then. I respect the advice about the Hillstream, i also heard they can live in 25 C. I guess some are stronger than others, but i wana just give it a try since my LFS don't carry these. The threadfins are beautiful but sure expensive $3.99 each. I'll try to increase it to only 8 max. I'm also planning to buy other types of shrimps in there to add to the beauty: red cherry shrimp, tiger... etc... from

as brian said, won't i have too much bottom dwellers?
btw how do u quote ppl :oops:

this costs so much $$$ 8O
the shipping is $40
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Hi Kagentx. May I ask why you want to buy these fish on line?
*bubble burst

well... i'm getting them online because my LFS don't have all these fish i want. I have to run around from borough to borough just to buy one fish. The stores right now have really bad fish. Also, their price is ridiculously high. A threadfin is $6.5 plus tax. Online provides healthy vibrant colored fish.... so i heard and wanted to give it a try.

some LFS sell small java ferns for $12.99!!
Have you checked the NY regional forum to see where everyone shops? They might have some suggestions for you. Of course, you can always join the Aquarium Society over there. Ask madasafish or BrianNY for a link (I can't remember the name).
My concern is that you're planning on ordering so many fish at one time. You'll really be in jeopardy of a new cycle if you add so many fish at once. Also, because live fish have to be shipped overnight, you may be looking at $35-$40 for delivery.

Just some things to consider.
It's hard to know if that's too many bottom feeders, I guess I missed your tank size. :)

Just a note that I would recommend 3 yo-yo loaches if you want them. I quarantined 1 yo-yo loach by himself with 4 very aggressive killifish, and man was he a crotchety old hermit. He claimed a decoration for himself and chased everyone away. After the QT, I put him in with my other 2 yo-yo loaches in my 38 gallon, and now they all get along great. When I only had 2, the larger one chased the smaller one nonstop, hence the recommendation for 3.

Also, yo-yo loaches are VERY active and are semi-aggressive. They would do a beautiful job cleaning up the gravel on their own and I am not sure how they would react to the potential competitors of the cories, especially when it comes to feeding time. You might have some stressed out hungry cories. The yo-yo loaches aren't going to just share with them, I guarantee. :)

I have three yo-yos, over ten khuli loaches and about 9 cories in my 50 gal community tank. There has never been a problem at feeding time. I break algae wafers and scatter them in the tank, but I often see a group of cories and a yo-yo eating together.
Really, Menagerie? That's cool!

I love my yo-yo's, but mine are greedy little buggers. When I put food in, they become like men fighting over parking spots at Christmastime. I have had to break up my algae wafers into 8 different pieces and drop them in all parts of the tank if the swordtails are to get some because the yo-yo loaches will chase everyone else (including the other yo-yos) away. One of them will even start eating one, see someone else eating on another one, rush over, chase them away, then go back to the one he was on! How rude! :)

I wonder if mine are just extra selfish or if cories have more guts than I give them credit for.

these yo yo loaches sounds fun to have, too bad i can't becaus i have clown loaches. I know they'll grow really big, but that's another 10-15 years. Give it to the fish store maybe. My bottom feeders consist of a... um SAE? they always perfer my fish food. 6 pygmycory as you suggested and two clown loaches

i got my fish i my tank :D (is it fishes or fish?)
here is a list of them

2 salfin molly
2 ballon mollies
9 fancy guppies (a LFS had a huge variety of them, i was just dazed)
7 Otos
4 glasscatfish
6 pygmy cories
6 ghost shrimps
6 amano shrimps (i only see two... hopefully they show up)

ordering online was bad... *hit myself on head, sorrie brian just wanted to give it a try
anyways the fish i really wanted (threadfin, hillstream, endler) was not instock in the site. They didn't tell me and shipped the others that were less important. The american flag fish was dying along with a molly and a glasscatfish. It was quite disappointed, i won't order online again unless i see some really unique fish. As of now the only online ordering is for plants.

--------------> (they live up to their name :evil: !)
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