human food...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 14, 2005
Halifax, NS
hello all...

I want to try my fish on some people food, but not sure exactly what the can or cannot eat. I would hate to give them something that could harm them.

I have Platys
Bala Shark
Red Tail Shark
Here is a link that outlines the kinds of veggies and how to feed them to your fish. Also you can feed fruits like watermelon, without the seeds, cantelopes, and honeydew melons.
jchillin--you cut your peas???? wow, you are dedicated! i throw them in the microwave for 30 secs, slip the skins off and chuck 'em in the tank!
My bettas are my human food eaters they like peas, corn, squash that's pureed(I can't spell that lol), and grapes.... Most of my other fish only eat the peas though ^^

Hope your fish like it :D
crazycat said:
jchillin--you cut your peas???? wow, you are dedicated!

That was borne out of necessity. One day one of the tetras tried to swallow one whole and couldn't. It was pretty funny watching him run from the other tetras who wanted that same piece. :D
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