Hybridizing thoughts and should i?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 31, 2011
Calgary Alberta Canada
I like the mystery in hybridizing but I definitely agree that these need to be kept out of pure strains. I'm for crossing to create new colors and if they don't turn out then they become feeders. But please don't sell them as a purebred specimen. Tell the buyer it's a hybrid.

Now that you know my thoughts one this, I'd like to ask if you think I should hybridized cichlids.

Seeing that blood parrots and flowerhorns are sold as of they were their own species I would like to try breeding hybrids. I would sell them as hybrids. I have a 55 gallon aquarium. I was thinking trying jack dempsey X red devils or jacks X blood parrot( female).

Time for your thoughts.
Unless you woke up this morning and decided to single handily start the deterioration of a few different genus of fish then the answer is NO you shouldn't.
HUKIT said:
Unless you woke up this morning and decided to single handily start the deterioration of a few different genus of fish then the answer is NO you shouldn't.

+1...couldn't agree more
Creating hybrids is wrong. I agree that it can create some interesting and maybe some beautiful fish, but playing god to create you own and then just using your failures as feeders seems a little much for me to sit back and see how this thread runs.

I appreciate that there are already man made hybrids on the market, but would personally NEVER buy any of them. if hybrids happen naturally or by mistake in a mixed tank then I would say fair enough, let it live but never sell. But to personally pursue hybrids and do what your saying, kinda makes me angry. It's takes away from the pure breeds and is totally irresponsible! IMO . you have no idea of what defects may happen and the effects there of on the fish you create.( if this was not a family forum my words would be very much stronger!!!!!!)

It's wrong wrong wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in total agreement with the above statements. I personally wouldn't buy a hybrid, and hate blood parrots and flowerhorns, as well as some of the other monstrosities out there.There are far too many interesting real fish out there, without messing with hybridization.
Ok. I can see what you mean. But I happen to enjoy the flowerhorns and blood parrots. I am against dyeing fish and tattooing but flowerhorns sell for quiet a bit. I think that hybridizing than breeding that fry can create something good. And it's not messing with God, it's like saying blacks, whites, Asians and so on shouldn't have children with each other
It's not natural. The agression levels can spike making them unable to have tank mates. And just because you can make money off it doesn't mean its right.
I could care less what you do or don't do in the privacy of your own home but when you start selling fish that effect everyone else that's where I have a problem. This is the perfect example of the butterfly effect which you sell your hyrbrids to someone who breeds and sells them or turns them into the local fish store, and someone purchases those fish unknowingly is how we have so many issues with certain genus of fish.

It's situations like this have wrecked a good number of genus, try to find a pure strain of Amphilophus citrinellus almost everything now is disgusting mix of amphilophus labiatus/citrinellus or midevil now is a better term. the next fish that is being effected is the Amphilophus trimaculatus, Vieja maculicauda and Vieja. bimaculatus being crossbred by so called hobbyist. I don't even need to comment on the swimming monstosity the flowerhorn or the blood parrot, these are fish that should be culled as well on a pure ethical point of view.

What you don't understand or if you do then need to rethink why you keep fish, but we are talking about tens of thousands of fish effecting generation after generation of fish and future fishkeepers. So for the brief time you decide to do this it will effect fish/people for years to come.

We have a obligation to fellow fishkeepers and a responsability to nature to ensure fish like this are culled in egg form, with ZERO oppurtunity to leave your home aquarium. Personally if your that selfish that you don't care about your fellow hobbyist then you have bigger issues you need to deal on a personal level and I feel sorry for you. That is not meant as a insult rather than some personal reflection of why you truly would consider a decision like this.
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Out of all forums I've been on this is the worst most unhelpful of all.

You have the audacity to ask for opinions and when it doesn't go the direction you hoped your blaming for people for being unhelpful and insult the forum, time to grow up and have a discussion like a adult.
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bm5424 said:
Out of all forums I've been on this is the worst most unhelpful of all.

I think people are actually being really helpful but because they are not saying what you want to hear you deem it as useless.
If you are keeping these fish for yourself do it.
But you should never try selling them as pure strain.
I personally am going to try and breed my jag and JD.
And do not care what anybody has to say about it.
[Now that you know my thoughts one this, I'd like to ask if you think I should hybridized cichlids.

Hhmmmmmm. I totally disagree. Why don't you grant me some luck on my hybrids.

So you ask for opinions... then make it clear that you only want people to reply if they are in favor of your frankenfish?

Out of all forums I've been on this is the worst most unhelpful of all.

That's unfortunate... being that accepting advice is a difficult thing to do
bm5424 said:
And it's not messing with God, it's like saying blacks, whites, Asians and so on shouldn't have children with each other

This is not true. All the skin colors are of the same species, homo sapiens, where as the fishy you mentioned aren't even in the same genus! If someone told me they were going to cross a gold German ram and a normal German ram (mikrogeophagus ramirezi) I wouldn't really think twice. Or an orange flash apistogramma cacatuoides with a super red (although I'd advise against it). This comment is referring to COLOR, not SPECIES! Especially two species that don't naturally hybridize in the wild! Another point everyone has looked past is you want to breed a hybrid, to make a hybrid!? Parrots already can't close they're mouths all the way due to genetic defects from hybridization, why make it any worse?

And also, your title reads "hybridizing thoughts and SHOULD I?". You asked, everyone answered more than fairly! And I believe Hukit was very thorough and realistic, not rude. When it comes to the welfare of a living creature, don't chose to be ignorant to those trying to help you. ;)
i dont think its up to you, its more up to the fish. plus if they fish decide they want to theres not much you can do about it. BUT i dont think you should sell them. my fish have hybridized but none of them have made it past the fry stage. they get eaten as lil fishy treats i guess. only fry that have survived in my tank are auratus.
i dont think its up to you, its more up to the fish. plus if they fish decide they want to theres not much you can do about it. BUT i dont think you should sell them. my fish have hybridized but none of them have made it past the fry stage. they get eaten as lil fishy treats i guess. only fry that have survived in my tank are auratus.

Leaving the decision to the fish is like letting a 5 year plan their own meals, of course it's going to be a bad choice. This is the responsibility of fish keepers like parents to make the choice that's in the best interest of the fish and fishkeepers alike.
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