I finally did it!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 24, 2003
West Virginia
I finally got some cichlids and they are gorgeous. I got them young. I didnt get any of the bigger ones. I figured that 5 was a good number to start out with and so far so good. They are all about the same size and they are quite friendly when they see you! I so far have been thrilled with them. They are in the 10 gallon qtank and I am hoping to get a 55 gallon soon and put my community tank in it and the cichlids in the 29 gallon. They seem pretty happy to eat almost anything. I have fed them flake and pellets or different types but the one thing that they could have cared less about was an algae disc. I hope that things continue to go good. I have had them for about a week now. I know its been a long time no see from me. Its been pretty crazy around here with sickness and just everyday life. So hopefully I will get to come more and post more now that things has finally start settle down. :D attaching a pic of one of my new babies!
Nice! What kinds of cichlids did you end up with? All Mbuna from Lake Malawi? They should be happy in the 29 gal. Watch as they sexually mature for a change in temperament :wink:
To tell the truth I am not really sure what they are! LOL I know that is bad but they dont know anything at Walmart. I just know I have looked some of them up and some I have been able to find and some I havent. I am going to put some new pictures in my gallery and maybe you can tell me what they are!LOL I know that I have 2 blue and black striped and a light yellow,one that is light with little black spots with pink cheeks and one that is yellow with black and white stripes if that tells you anything. I'll go and post those pictures so that you can check them out because it sure would help to know what they are!lol :lol:
The one that you posted sticking it's head out of the tree stump looks like a Kenyi (Maylandia/Metriaclima lombardoi) If I recall correctly they are mouth brooders.
Yellow w/ black and white stripes may be an Auratus (Melanochromis auratus)
I'm not sure about the other one. Does it have a veil tail and elongated dorsal?
Hmmm, hard to tell. I suspect their coloring hasn't really come out yet due to immaturity and some may be hybrids. If you do have a male Kenyi and a male auratus, you may be in for bad times. I once had an auratus and his aggression level was insane--he was given away and took over a tank with two oscars :(. The yellow/brown one with the big eyes doesn't look like a Mbuna, but again, so hard to tell.
Right now it seems as if the bigger blue and black stripped seems to be the most agressive. He chases everyone around. If they see him coming they take off! But when its feeding time they could care less about territory!

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