I need help with best type of tank for 3 large biotope tanks

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 23, 2012
Southern Maine
I have a 90g deep hex, a 60g regular and a 150g 7 foot long tank. I currently have them cycling and I have separate asiatic jungle blackwater biotope, Amazon biotope, and heavy planted peaceful schooler/ shrimp iwagumi style tank.

150g will have an upside down giant black cat (male) and possibly my oscar, and am taking suggestions for algae control and one other moderate sized monster fish/ why or why not it would be a good idea, so on...

Current blackwater set up contains 5 large rosy barbs, 8 green tiger barbs, 3 large gourami (4-6 inches), 3 male betta (with natural divider territorial space), 8 oto, a whitetail rainbow shark and a white sunburst lobster.

Current Amazon biotope contains 5 large diamond tetra, 3 large Colombian blue and red tetra, 10 von rio flame tetra, 7 'candy cane' tetra (brand new to the market here and I'm not sure their real name), 3 baby albino bnp, a pair of Bolivian rams and a lava red lobster.

Current decorative planted tank contains mats with many types of decorative plants (dwarf hair grass, glostossima, needle leaf ludwiga, ludwiga repens, banana plant, ozelot swords, crinon, cardamine, rotalla tropica, bacopa carolinian, LOTS of scarlet temple, java moss, marimo moss, flame moss, fancy java fern, tropica fern, microswords, camboba, rotella indica, ludwiga indica, purple waffle and all different types of lotus/ lily (nymphaea sp). Fish stock list is 5 longfinned zebra danio, 3 longfinned blue danio, 3 longfinned leopard danio, 3 longfinned golden danio, 5 celestial pearl danio, 6 dwarf cardinal neon, 5 dwarf chain loaches, 3 yo yo loaches, 2 fiddler crabs, a few lyretail balloon molly and I can't even imagine how many ghost shrimp (started with 20, just removed and sold 50 and still have more every day), plus I am thinking of adding my daughters capped black oranda and black gold and blue mystery snails...
All that said- any ideas on which build should be with what style/ sized tank?
Asian blackwater, Amazon community, planted community, upgraded tanks are- 90g hex, 150g 7 footer and a 60g. Thank you so much in advance for any and all input, could REALLY use the advice!!!
The upside down catfish is an African species and the Oscar is south American so it isn't really a biotope. I'd advise a bristle nose pleco for algae control. Goldfish are cold water and shouldn't be added. I'd remove the lobsters because sooner or later they will eat your fish.
The giant upside downs are Asian are not part of the syndontis family anyway. The small upside downs like 3 inches are African and syndontis cats.
You may want to remove 2 of the Gouramis because depending on the species they can be highly aggressive
Thanks for the responses!! No, I'm not referring to the cute little syndontis 'feather fin' style upsidedown cat- I mean the over a foot long when grown, pitch black or silver with white diamonds down the side (male indicator). I understand that oscars aren't native to the rivers that this catfish are from, but they have been introduced and have become common.

I'm know my blackwater build seems impossible- my gourami are 2 male paradise and a male three spot and they have been together since they were fry and I also have 3 male betta within the same aquarium. I have it spaced out with planted separation and have given them naturalistic territories to claim- it's actually based on a jungle bog from pictures I got from my grandmother in Vietnam. I DO NOT SUGGEST THIS BUILD TO ANYBODY!!! This is actually now a research project, I'm just wondering which tank style would work best... I'm thinking the 60g regular, it's all glass with a glass versa top and a double fluorescent ballast...

I am thinking if I use a secondary pump to create a current about 2/3 of the way down and build a cavernous system using sand, rock and driftwood I should be able to keep my 2 lobsters in my 150g monster tank- I have them with my community tanks (not with my longfinned) one is 6 inches and the other 4. They seem to only get aggressive when they are provoked, other than that they are happy sitting in their caves poking out to chow down on what has been left over on the driftwood and java moss- though they love to eat ghost shrimp and egg nests lol. I know they are going to have to go either into my 150g or I'm going to have to keep my 50g running and do a species tank. I have had them together before when they were small but I'm not sure how they would react now... Maybe one in 150g and one in the 90g hex. I'm sooo up in the air on what to do and would love to hear any ideas.

Goldfish are Coldwater tolerant fish and don't like excessive heat, but they do well with minnow, danio and small inverts with a temperature of 72-74°F. My oranda is currently in my longfinned peaceful schooling tank which I think I will be moving to the 90g hex, but I'm not sure how my inverts will do in that deep of a tank or how/ if I should build shelf like planted plateaus at different levels to give them a closer resting place to the surface... And I just picked up 3 albino bnp to finish cycling my 60g, funny you should mention that.... Any opinions on where they should go, they're medium sized right now (around 3 inches) and I'm thinking of putting one in each once my cycle finishes..

Thanks again, and please give me some more feed back on my ideas, I could really use the advice/ guidance on what tank type fits best most of my stock list have been handraised from fry with nano tank starts and are now outgrowing their 29g, 40g and 50g builds. My giant black cat is 2 years old and 19 inches, he's currently in an indoor river system with 2 of my adult oscars waiting on my 150g at my moms. Thanks again in advance for any input

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