ideas for addition for tank + question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 21, 2011
Cleveland, Oh
I have a 55 gallon.
5 danios
5 tiger barbs (used to be 6, one disappeared, I knew he was going to die, he was swimming funny and kind of had a fat belly, but I never found the body, I'm hoping fish and pleco ate it? my water parameters are good)
6 guppies
2 angel fish
1 rainbow shark
1 clown pleco

I was looking for a cool addition, we were going to get an adf but decided not to since tank is too large.
We would like a cool addition (not necessarily a fish).
Help is much appreciated
Personally, I think your rainbow shark should be in a larger tank, at least a 75. I rehomed mine to a friend with 125 gallon tank. They need a lot of room as they mature or their aggression becomes uncontrollable.
I agree with her but I heard a 55 or bigger is better. So I didn't say anything. They don't get that big ( like 6") but they need A LOT of room to swim.
Have you tried rainbowfish? Very pretty IMO. There's also those other sorts of oddballs and less commonly found fish like golden wonder killies, scarlet badis, spotted leopard fish, etc.
Personally, I think your rainbow shark should be in a larger tank, at least a 75. I rehomed mine to a friend with 125 gallon tank. They need a lot of room as they mature or their aggression becomes uncontrollable.

I appreciate your opinion, but google rainbow shark. 55 gallon should be fine. some sources say less.
I'm speaking from having had one and seeing the type of aggression you can't just read about. That's why I made my opinion so strongly. No two fish are alike, though. You may end up with a mellow shark. I do hope so. :)
Shrimp are always neat. I like the way tiger shrimp and red cherry shrimps look. And I think a school would look neat. I'm a fan of tetras it just really depends on what you want
I have priscilla tetras and red minor tetras. Only get to 2-2.5", although mine are not even 2" and they are 6months old. Very active and fun to watch. They need to be in shoals of 5+ ideally.
at first when the angel fish were new (bought after barbs) they did a tiny bit, but i think it was a territorial thing. Now from what i can tell they don't bother any of the fish.
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