I'm at the end of my cycle and confused!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 1, 2012
I am week 5 into a fish in cycle. A little over a week ago I added some hornwort to the tank, and now my ammonia is 0, nitrites are 0, and nirtrates are 0. Previously, I was getting .25 ammonia, up to 5ppm of Nitrite and the highest I ever had of Nitrates were 5 ppm. I know the plants help process ammonia, nitrite and use nitrate....but is this inhibiting my cycle? Is my tank cycled? I've had 0 readings for 3 days in a row now...
What size tank and how much hornwort? Hornwort is pretty good at sucking up nitrates. It's possible the plants helped the cycle complete or it could be a coincidence that nitrites dropped when you put the plants in. Also check your PH and make sure it hasn't plummeted. Just keep testing but I wouldn't worry, the cycle is either done or close-to.
Thanks, it's a 55 gallon. PH is stable. So even though there are no nitrates I should be ok?
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