Is it just me or do bow front tanks hurt to look at?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 16, 2011
Curved tanks hurt my eyes when I try to look at them, it bends everything out of perspective...has anybody else had this problem?

I stick with rectangular tanks because of that...:???:
Well I don't know about getting a pain from them, but bowfronts will cause a distortion.
it doesnt hurt my eyes but I sometimes see a little distortion but its minor. the extra space in the middle makes it one of my fav tanks to set up.
Its kinda like them pictures that you have to look at just right to see the real picture. Do you have any problems with seeing them?
See, everyone says bowfronts are so distorted but I don't notice any on mine, neither does my boyfriend.
It's probobly the same thing as why when I wear my glasses I don't notice the curve in them, but friends of mine talk about the "Weird curves" in their flat sunglasses. Different people, different perspectives. Also, could just be how your eyes focus. you could have perfect vision and still have problems with monitors, while I need glasses and can stare at a screen all day without eye strain. Everyone's eye's just focus a little differently.

I have a all regular rectangle tanks and I get dizzy looking into my tanks. That said I have a very sensative equalibrium, get dizzy/sick doing almost anything. A bow front would not be for me because of that, but they are beautiful tanks!
Obviously everyone's eyes are different, but I also think it depends on the particular bowfront.
I think it just takes some getting used to. At first my tank used to give me headaches looking at it and now it doesn't even bother me anymore. I don't even notice it.
When you put water in them, there is often distortion from the way the light is being refracted. Some people don't notice this, but it drives others crazy. Like roydooms said, it can take some getting used to. For myself, I like the way the look.
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