Jewels gone wild

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 14, 2009
The Jewels paired up, ran off the other female, now we have a family. caught her laying eggs on the back wall. two days later they were gone, no there not, they are on the sand in the corner. but they are taking turns fanning them. they are moving!!! three more days and they come out for a swim, they are everywhere

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they have been awesome parents, how long does that last?? when shoul they be seperated?
After a year, it may be time for an update. Out of that monster spawn, they managed to keep one alive. The next few spawing attempts went bad, they would lay the eggs, hatch them and the synadontis would eat the fry while the parents would be eating.

I decided to try to save a brood and did a temporary set up of a 20L that i had sitting empty (It is a,amazing how permanent a temporary set up can be??
). I caught them right after they had layed their eggs on a rock, I stole the rock from them and took it downstairs to the 20. I placed the rock in a corner with an air stone for circulation, and had a successful hatch.

I had been watching them for a while and noticed two that were out growing the rest and had considered that i may need to remove them , because the herd seemed to be getting smaller. Last week i noticed the two bigger ones exploding with their colors, then a couple of days ago they were being very territorial??

Then I saw why....they had fry of their own!!!!! Babies havin babies

Here is a very low quality video, notice the size of these guys...3/4"-1"
they are rather aggressive to each other at times, and my male has killed two different baby mama's
Wow! What else did you do besides adding an airstone - food - temperature - etc ... Sorry for the questions - but Wow!

not a lot really, kept temp at 80, after the hatch started feeding frozen baby brine and "first bites" by Hikari then to flakes i would grind up.

I am still amazed at their size....maybe an inch
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