just started a 90g saltwater

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 23, 2004
New York
Hey people,

Newbie here just got a few questions.

Ive always admired saltwater aquariums. I finally decided to take the plunge and pursue it as a hobby. I just started a Fish only 90g saltwater tank. As far as filtration goes, ive decided to run an Eheim 2217 canister filter with a Aqua 15 watt uv sterilizer. My tank has only been up and running for two weeks. Ive only got 1 grouper and 1 trigger in there so far. I also have a CPR bakpak2 protein skimmer lined up. My questions are :

Is my filtration enough or do you recommend something else?

As far as feeding, what is the best way to feed? Ive heard several ways and as of now I am feeding them as much as the fish can eat in 30 seconds twice a day.

When should I get the protein skimmer up and running?

And finally, I do 10% water changes once aweek. I am filling up a tub , then adding salt to the right salinity. Then refilling tank. I am using tap water. Is this wrong? Should I be adding anything to the water?

Thanks for any response. And feel free to add any additional information you can share.

first and formost, welcome to the forum...

well, preferably you'd want to use RO/DI water. This eliminates all of the crap that's in your water that you don't want (phosphates, chlorine....etc). But, if you have to use tap water, let it sit a few days in a container with a powerhead and the salt mixed in. This makes sure that most of the chlorine is gone and the salt is well mixed so you get a good salinity reading.

good luck :)

Thanks yaksplat,

What is a good popular RO/DI kit to invest in?
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