Killifish King of Chicago - I started bidding on Killifish

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I have something live in the hatchery... I have my doubts it is killifry but at the same time I am not shutting down this particular experiment for a while yet. I have some tiny tiny tiny tiny long thin line creatures in there. It could be some killi fry. I am bothered by the fact that I don't see eyes and that these guys are microscopic.

When I had cory fry they looked pretty big in comparison to these guys.

I am feeding these "creatures" baby brine shrimp incase they are killi fry. They are small enought that the baby brine shrimp might end up feasting on them.

This is the current theory in my head:
I put a small chunk of plant in a few days ago after I searched the peat and found no eggs. That might be where the plantaria came from. Maybe they feasted on the bad killi eggs?

I don't know.. I think about this WAY too much and would be better off if I had just gotten the eggs and forgotten about them and came back and went.. Hey check it out fish... haha

Crazy Moose
I see them look like they are swimming and I think hey killifry.

Then i see them hit the surface of the water and skim along and think hey NOT killi fry.
webmoose said:
Do you currently have killies BillD? If so whatcha got?

No killies right now. there are usually some available at our monthly club auctions, as we have a gentleman who breeds them, and he constantly has new varieties. I just don't have the time and inclination right now for killies. The one's in our auction rarely go for more than $5.00 a pair or trio. Sometimes thay go for as little as $2.00 a pair. They are some of the most beautiful fish in the hobby.
Are these A australe eggs you are hatching or Nothobranchius. If they are australe the trick is to put them in a baby food jar or equivalent, breath a lot of CO2 into the jar by blowing through a straw, for a few minutes, cap the jar, put them in your pocket, and go for a walk. When you get back, they should be hatching. The key is the CO2, and shaking them up helps too.
Hi BillD yes I am trying to hatch out Australe eggs. I have tiny creatures swimming around they are just much smaller than expected not convinced tthey are fry but I am treating as such incase they are.

How tiny can the fry be? really really tiny microscopic like? Hopefully in a few days it will become clearer what they are....

cruise slowly... They are white when I look with a flashlight. If I lightly shake the hatchery more surface. They mostly move from the bottom to the surface.

They don't dart at all. They are not fast. They move slowly. Cruise slowly!!

I looked at them again. I have had Brichardi fry which were tiny but still "fry" I've had guppy fry and I've had cory fry...

None of them have looked like these things..

I doubt they are killifry..

Yeah these things are microscopic and would have gone un-noticed if I wasn't so obsessive compulsive. Having said that I plan on leaving these guys going for a bit and see what they do.

Just wait until I have northo and Aust. eggs. I am going to be a nervous wreak haha.

Good news - Well I took a small sample of my peat from my batch that are set to hatch for Friday (attempting a 30 day dry store) and so far I have 2 fry. I need some microworms!!! Toirtis!!!!

Bad news - my Adult Aphyosemion scheeli scheeli male from Toirtus is not feeling well :(


Where have ya been? It's been over a month :) Sorry to hear about your fish not feeling well. :(

P.S. I was going to use an acronym for the fish...thought better of it. LOL
My microworms are doing nicely, but when I needed them, I always got them from Dean :? Maybe you need to camp out at Christian's to get the worms.
Yep I got 2 to hatch yesterday and I got about 6 or so today so I currently have 8 fry.. And I know these are fry not like last time :)

My Aphyosemion scheeli scheeli didn't make it thru the night... :(

Toirtis I pm'd you about the microworms.

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