Killifish King of Chicago - I started bidding on Killifish

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webmoose said:
Ok now that I've calmed down.. Can I store some of these eggs for a period of time? Do something like hatch out 15 and store 15?

Sorry for sounding silly with all these questions.. Just really excited.


Sure, if you wish to...although it could be a bit of work dividing them (they are pretty small and mixed in with a bunch of peat, after all).
so I should put them straight into the 2 gallon? or hatch them in a small container and then put them in the 2 gallon?
webmoose said:
Hey Jchillin - I haven't recieved them yet. Hopefully they are in the mail.. :)

Toirtis if there is any hints / tips / trick you could pass on regarding the sucessfully hatching out let me know. I've been reading my guts out but nothing beats hands on knowledge.

But, do you still require intervention? Have you stopped reading your guts out? Are your brain waves functional? :)

From the pic Toirtis supplied (What didn't Wham-O make?) you should get some very colorful fish!
Well I have a bowl of dirt [I assume it is peatmoss] and tank water in a fish bowl with an airstone running. Now I have to watch and see what happens over the next 3 weeks. :)

I have a pair of australe's in my community tank. Great fish, never had a problem with them.
it sounds like its too late for INTERvention.. thats good because no one wanted to stop you in the first place!!! LOL. great looking fish! :D
You can add "Aphyosemion scheeli" Male and Female to my Killi list of pets and another 2 gallon tank.

Thanks Toirtis!!!!!
webmoose said:
You can add "Aphyosemion scheeli" Male and Female to my Killi list of pets and another 2 gallon tank.

Thanks Toirtis!!!!!

De had to miss the auction, but that shouldn't mean you would come away empty-handed. I am sure those killies will do well for you...who knows, you could become the next killie-maven of Calgary.

For anyone who is unfamiliar with them, here is a pic of Aphyosemion scheeli:


  • aphyosemion_scheeli.jpg
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I didn't count the brichardi... it's a guestimate ;) There are about 4 different batches in there so the first set are starting to get big enough I can see all their fins and they now have a decent coloring.. :)

The Killies are still doing well so far. They decided to stay at work with me for at least a few days. The male is being a little more assertive than the female would like hopefully they decide to like each other. I put them on my work desk beside the brichardi tank and the male brichardi and the male Aphyosemion stared at each other for a few minutes flaring and such.. It was quite the sight.. They've since started to ignore each other.

And it is day 4/5 with the dirty water [eggs]. Waiting is going to kill me...

Ya either the parents or the pleco are naturally culling them right now.. so i have the strongest surviving.. there are only 2 or 3 of the 2/3 month olds.. They will need a home for sure..
webmoose said:
And it is day 4/5 with the dirty water [eggs]. Waiting is going to kill me...


Hey, only 10 days to go. What temp is your hatching water? It occured to me that you might want to toss a couple-three of drops (but no more, as it can cause birth defects) of Acriflavin Plus in there....just to scare off any potential fungus.
Temp is 73/74 degrees.. I assume 1 degree on the low side.

How much water do you usually hatch them out in? I have a approx. half a gallon of water in there right now. Should I have less? more?

The kids are waiting for the eggs to hatch.. I have to show them the tank every day....

My coworkers convinced me to keep my other killis on my desk for a couple of days / weeks...

Move is still up in the air..
Well I might be the Killifish killer instead of keeper.. heater decided to spike up to 90. was only up there for 2 hours. Hopefully the eggs aren't boiled :(
webmoose said:
Well I might be the Killifish killer instead of keeper.. heater decided to spike up to 90. was only up there for 2 hours. Hopefully the eggs aren't boiled :(

Ouch, hard to be sure (I must admit to not being particularly optimistic), but time will tell...only about a week left.
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