leaky 55 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 7, 2004
i have a 55 gal. tank that for some reason started leaking. I went down all 4 inside corners removed the sealant put new on thought it fixed it but it did not. tank leaks about 6inches of water down then stops. Should i remove all the sealant inside and out and try again?? any suggestions would be greatly appreceiated.Think you
I haven't had a leaky tank, so take this as you will..

Use an Exacto blade to cut the corner out (slide into corner while flat on glass, both sides) do NOT dig into the corner, but make sure the tip is into the corner (you can go flat on the glass and put the blade into the corner repeatadly), the old silicone should just fall off.once you have a nice clean corner and about 1/4" out on each side clean, apply the new sealant, use your finger to press it into the corner (press hard to make sure air escapes), you should end up with a nice beveled corner.

Masking tape or any tape really can be used to mask the area outside 1/4 inch to make clean up easy, just make sure the tape is removed before the silicone sets, otherwise you may break the seal. allow it to set for 24 hours before leak testing the new corner. (do not try to seperate the glass, there is a thin layer between the 2 sheets, and it's not as easy to redo, and often not necessary.) just clean the inside of the corner and make sure there is no residual silicone, (silicone adheres to glass better then itself)

hth, and please read some other thoughts on this, hope the explaination is alright.
Depending on the type of sealant you are using I would recommend atleast 48 hours before adding water to the tank. Being a painter I know water breaks down sealant even if it is dry to the touch.

Although my fish tank experiences are just being one thing I know for sure is about sealants. I learned the hard way unfortunately.
Also, check that the tank is level and that the top & bottom frames are not damaged. If your tank has a top center support, make sure it is not cracked.
I had the same problem with my 10 gallon and I noticed that it only happened when it was hot inside my house and cold outside because my tank was near a door. Maybe there is a temperature problem that could be solved by moving yoru tank. I could be WAY off here but its just a suggestion :)
Good luck solving your problem!
Here is some reading from our Articles section: http://www.aquariumadvice.com/showquestion.php?faq=2&fldAuto=36

Also, I must echo QTOFFER that the tank needs to be level. A tank that is not level places stress on one single pane of glass more than the others, and the seals are just not able to handle that for very long.

Glad to see you making the effort to re-seal your tank - I see tanks at yard sales often where it just needs to be re-sealed but people don't think they can do it.

I almost forgot! One very handy tip I got from somewhere is to use masking tape near the edge of the tank where you will be applying the silicone - when you are done smoothing it with your finger you peel it up and there is a nice straight line of sealant. Peel it up before the sealant dries.
thanks for the replies i am going to give it a try and see what i get

like i said i tried once before thoughti had it and it was very dishearting to see it leak down over a couple days. I miss it and i know some of my bigger fish do to

i will post my results back thanks
Masking tape or any tape really can be used to mask the area outside 1/4 inch to make clean up easy, just make sure the tape is removed BEFORE THE SILICONE SETS, otherwise you may break the seal

before it sets is a big key do one corner at a time put the tape on put the silicone on then remove tape doing one corner at a time!!

got er done thanks for all the help!!!!!
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