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Malawi MaD said:
Thanks Garfy, just need some more fish now, then maybe another tank:lol:

We all want more tanks lol my next project is SA/CA going to go for some big fish in a 150g not 100% decided which fish yet but I'm starting to think just one pair.
I call this one Blue. Lol one of my favorites. I just love the color! I also have two yellow labs and a jewel.

We all want more tanks lol my next project is SA/CA going to go for some big fish in a 150g not 100% decided which fish yet but I'm starting to think just one pair.

Nice, can get some beautiful SA/CA cichlids.Im thinking maybe a SW tank next or id like to do a locale malawi tank with some unique species.
Bad pic but finally got my Dems mixed with Yellow Labs in my 55G tank. (for my wife, Michigan Themed) :)


I posted a whole thread on my 55 tank over on Members Freshwater Tanks under the thread http://www.aquariumadvice.com/forums/f70/after-forever-and-a-day-55-gallon-done-209567.html
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