Looking to set up a little 0.3 no tech tank at work.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 14, 2015
I've just started a new job at an office and everyone appears to have a tonne of decorations. I'm not the cartoon figure type so I thought I might set up a little 0.3 gal tank. One of those little tanks where someone might put a betta in if they were unaware how cruel that is. I might buy a little patch of hairgrass, java moss or marsilea minuta and plop a single shrimp and/or snail in there.

Should I have to change water more regularly, since there won't be a filter? Or will the super low bioload combined with the plant's ammomia/other waste absorbing capabilities effectively balance the system out? Obviously water changes would still be in effect but I was wondering if it would still be 25-50% weekly. I would get a few of the tiny shrimp you get in those self contained biospheres but they don't seem to be for sale much.

Edit: turns out those tiny shrimp are opae ula, native to Hawaii. I live in Hong Kong so fat chance I'll get a hold of them. Secondly they're brackish/saltwater shrimp, and I'm sticking with freshwater until I'm experienced enough to go salty.
They are amazing though! Feed em once every two weeks and keep water levels up and you never have to change the water and they live for up to 20 years!!
Opaes are pretty amazing, although kinda like bettas the conditions in which they are kept in sometimes is kinda cruel.

How about a wabi kusa?
Opaes are pretty amazing, although kinda like bettas the conditions in which they are kept in sometimes is kinda cruel.

How about a wabi kusa?

Wow! How have I never heard of wabi kusas? Much obliged for the info. I'll be looking into this. If I can clear up some space I'll definitely consider this.

Lol you just made my current idea sound like asscheeks
Nah nothing wrong with your current idea. You can do some pretty amazing things with a pico set up: Slobodan Lazarevic-aquascaping

I'm just very fond of the wabi kusa concept though and it'd likely be a little easier.

Wow. Those planted tanks.. and those nano tanks too.. holy **** they're amazing. I might attempt something like that, but it'll end up being a mossy rock with black substrate lol
I'm definitely going to plan out a wabi kusa though. Now that I've seen it I can't get the concept out of my mind.
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