Lost my fish to ich, sterilized tank, how long to wait to start cycling?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2011
Ohio and Kentucky ;)
The title pretty much says it. My betta didn't make it, the ich got the best of him. So I scrubbed everything down in white vinegar, rinsed, then filled the tank and buckets up with water with white vinegar in it, let everything soak for about 2 hrs. It's been two days since I sterilized, but about 2 weeks since I removed my fish from his tank to qt to treat separately. When should I start cycling again?
You could start now I think (fishless, right?). Ich needs a host (fish) to survive, so even if there are any ich parasites left in the tank, during the fishless cycle they'll die off due to not having a host.
You could start now I think (fishless, right?). Ich needs a host (fish) to survive, so even if there are any ich parasites left in the tank, during the fishless cycle they'll die off due to not having a host.

Okay I'll set everything up after I get home from school
You might want to look back and think about why your betta got ich to begin with. Was the tank cycled? Were your water params good?
Yes lyndab has a very important point. Ich is always around but something had to change for it to take such a hold that your betta died. Did you treat for ich after you noticed symptoms? When my fish get ich, raising the temp of the tank is enough to get rid of it.
Always learn from your mistakes! So make sure you try to diagnose what caused the ich.
Yes lyndab has a very important point. Ich is always around but something had to change for it to take such a hold that your betta died. Did you treat for ich after you noticed symptoms? When my fish get ich, raising the temp of the tank is enough to get rid of it.
Always learn from your mistakes! So make sure you try to diagnose what caused the ich.

The dude at the local petstore thinks it was because he didn't have a heater and the fluctuations caused it. It made sense because my room is the coldest in the house. I have a heater now, but still have yet to get a thermometer. When I start cycling again, I'm going to make sure everything is fine. I dechlorinate the water each time I fill a new jug up (it's easier to do water changes that way). I'll have sto spend the money on the test strips and a thermometer... maybe even a better heater lol mine I can't even tell what temp its at.

And yes, I started immediately after I saw one little spot on his head... but he got worse. >.>
Ich is a parasite, so it's not ALWAYS around. It came into your tank with your Betta or with something else. It's true stress can allow Ich to more easily attack your fish. GL with your tank :) I'm dealing with a mild case of Ich, but so far my fish are super healthy and no losses. *crossing fingers*
Sachiel said:
The dude at the local petstore thinks it was because he didn't have a heater and the fluctuations caused it. It made sense because my room is the coldest in the house. I have a heater now, but still have yet to get a thermometer. When I start cycling again, I'm going to make sure everything is fine. I dechlorinate the water each time I fill a new jug up (it's easier to do water changes that way). I'll have sto spend the money on the test strips and a thermometer... maybe even a better heater lol mine I can't even tell what temp its at.

And yes, I started immediately after I saw one little spot on his head... but he got worse. >.>

A thermometer is essential
Strips are a waste of money, get a real kit like the API Master Kit. It saves you money and gives you real water readings. You also have to have a thermometer, it's a must. Don't add another fish until you have a test kit, thermometer and have a cycled tank.

Also.. if you ever get ich again. The thermometer allows you to do the best treatment for it. Aquarium Salt and raising temp to 82-84 (slowly).
yeah I've done tons of research and I know how to treat it, I just didn't know how long to wait to re-cycle. I'm going to wait to get the thermometer and test kit (I was planning on getting the API kit, don't worry lol) and the filter I've been nagging mom to get before I add anything. So I may have to wait a while...
I think I'm lost...if the tank has been sterilized (aka Ich has been removed), why are we waiting to cycle? Personally, if you've got a tank and any filter at all, I'd go ahead and get it set up, throw in an ammonia source, and let the cycle begin even if you don't have all the stuff you need like a new heater, good test kit, etc.. You'll be glad you got a head start of several days, and you'll be kicking yourself if you don't :)
Good point! And use the fishless cycle! There are instructions all over the web for that- it will be necessary to get your API test kit if you want to complete your cycle as fast as possible

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