Male Cherry Barbs

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While not as combative as some of their larger bretheren...the Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya) does better, in my experience, in a group that includes a male and two or three females. Male Cherry Barbs will fight for dominance on occasion.

Hope this helps.
I've discovered an interesting phenomenon with my particular cherry barbs. When there are NO females around the male cherry barbs don't seem agressive toward each other at all (particularly if kept in a group of 3 or more) I have 6 male cherry barbs and no female...they get along GREAT. I'm sure the situation would be different if a female appeared on the scene! :mrgreen:

They will "race" each other around the tank from time to time, but all in good fun. No fin-nipping or aggressiveness whatsoever.
I used to have 2 male cherry barbs , no females , & they got along great .
Cool. Two votes for 'just male cherry barbs alone'. That is neat to know. In fact it strikes me that fish are a lot like men...get along fine until a pesky female comes along. :D Then they start fighting over us. lol
I have a book at home that claims the colors of the male will be better if there is a female to show off to.
hmmm.....all 6 of my male cherry barbs are always BRIGHT red...ever since I brought them home to my tank! (no female to impress either)
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