Molly/Red cherry shrimp questions

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 15, 2012
Joliet, Il
So I was wondering if mollies breed at a certain temperature as I had three mollies in a ten gallon and they were not breeding. I am sure one is a male and the other two are female. They are in a healthy planted tank but have been without a heater because I could't afford a new one for awhile. The water was at around 73 degrees F. so I suspect that was the breeding problem. I'm treating ich in the tank as well so I have the water heating up to heat treat it. Will they breed once the heat of the water is where it should be? Same temperature question for the Red cherry shrimp in the tank. Higher temperature boost breeding probability?
For starters I would fine out for sure f they are male/female. Can you post pictures?
I know for sure I have a mating pair of mollies as I raised the temperature yesterday and today and well-ah! They were breeding when I woke up. Here are three of my four shrimp though. Could not spot the fourth smaller one for the life of me. I think the second image is my only male. Yesterday I wasn't certain I had any females but I'll let the more experienced decide.


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Thats some low grade chery shrimps my are breeding



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My LFS only had these guys :nono: They actually color up pretty nicely every now and then. It's just the guy in the second photo that stays boring. The other three flare up sometimes. If the place I go to get my Rams has any fire red then I will probably get some fire reds.
If you segregate the really colorful ones as your population rises you can make your own deep red line.

Fish metabolism goes up with the temperature, but they don't necessarily need a certain temp to breed. I have caught wild mollies in everything from upper 60s to low 80s water.
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