Moray salt water acclimation

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 6, 2011
Hi all!

So in my 65g slightly brackish fw tank, i have a beautiful Moray Eel named Bill. Having gotten a nice 55g SW tank, I would LOVE to acclimate Bill to salt, and move him on over. Anyone know how i would go about doing this? The person i got the tank from did this with a catfish shark, and i really would love to know how!

I have heard of people saying they take a piece of airline tubing from the tank you want him to go in and start a siphon but pinch off the tubing so that it only drips. You would have whatever fish or eel in a 5 gallon bucket of his current water environment, and let it drip over time, i've heard people say they do it for an hour but other say up to 5-10 hours.

Does this type of eel have the ability of going into a full SW set up?
It is a planted tank with some feeder minnows, a bristlemose pleco, and a bamboo shrimp. And bill moray if course.
I would recommend putting it into a tank that you can slowly, like over 1-2weeks, up the salt concentration to match that of your other tank... and then once it is about the same you do a 2 hour acclimation to the new home.
Now I may be going a little overboard but I think you would like to take the safest route so you don't endanger your Eel.
All my spare tanks and equipment are in use... Erm...this may be problematic. The tank he is in now is soon to be the final move for my senegal and fire mouths so I kinda need him moved soon. Ok, thanks for the info guys.

Oh, one other question...i have 2 different bulb types "life-glo" and"flora-glo". Which would be better for marine tank life?

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