my 125 cichlid tank

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COOl!! Yea the only food I feed them are spectrum pellets.
ooo are they good? how often do u feed them?

my zebras turned their nose up at nls and hikari, refused to eat til i gave them their basic quite cheap usual lol. tetra mini colour discs!
Huh yea i sure hope so!! All advice has come from that cichlid shop I go to and the guy has been in this field for 20+ years has over three hundred breeding tanks in the basement of some of the craiziest and most beautiful cichlids I've ever seen so i take his word on most all advice. Matter of fact when i first went in I showed him what I already had and because of just in talking I saw how much this guy truly loves what he does I told him u set me up I want some cool **** so go for it and boy he has done a great job. I have bought EVERYTHING from him I know he's a lil higher in prices but i respect what he does and how he does it and he throws me a bone every Now and then so its cool. I will send a pic of the food in a sec.
Yea its nuts u can c some info online. If you Google ( something fishy) in parma Ohio u can check out some of his stuff. Super cool!!
i thought it was u.
someone put a pic of chuck norris holdin 2 pots of this stuff ina thread about 'what u put in your cichlids' or similar. kinda epic xx
Aaaha lol Gotcha mouth:) n yea i believe so if there is no info on his site I surly could ask him!!
Yo ya know what Ronnie let me do a lil searching to find his business card he Has a gmail account.
Yep no prob. Glad to possibly be of help!! I will put a word out to him about this site for sure hope you guys may be able to business!!
Thank u very much. Yo Ronnie just went to his site and yea he ships!! Plus I was poking around and clicked on the forum section, pretty cool bro tons of awesome pictures!! Hope u enjoy!
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