My first planted tank - don't laugh!

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My tanks help me with my quiet time so I don't go bonkers. My toddler has definitely entered terrible 2 so my am routine is to get up about 30 mins before him and turn on a pot of coffee then feed the fish then a bit later dose excel while enjoying the coffee without a screaming tiny person. I just sit there and watch the tank. Then it's sad and over and I take 10 minutes to pick up all his toys from the day before if I didn't at night.

I totally cherish my quiet alone with the fish tank every am.

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Kids=no money for tank;)

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I am hoping since he screams fish fish fish fish at the tank and seems interested that he will stay interested in them and he will want his own tank when he is older. *fingers crossed*

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Great looking tank! Tried to find it in the thread but all I could find was "mystery plant" lol. Just wondering what the red stemmed plant is called? I love the look of it!

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Wow man from start to current you just keep improving the tank layout. Very exciting to read through this thread and see the updates. Great job!
Thanks :)
Here's my plant forest...growing bit by bit, thanks to David. Du bist toll, mein freund! Mystery package on the way from the magnanimous Brookster as well.
If you guys were closer I would thank you with baked goods. I have cupcakes in the oven right now. Mmmmm. I specialize in cheesecakes :D

Egghead- wanna take a trip to albany NY??? Lol

Looks great. I have a bunch of new plants coming next week. Super excited

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Thanks Angela! I'm no stranger to The Albany area I had friends in Nassau, I could get there with my eyes closed...with desserts. Haha.
Thanks :)
Here's my plant forest...growing bit by bit, thanks to David. Du bist toll, mein freund! Mystery package on the way from the magnanimous Brookster as well.
If you guys were closer I would thank you with baked goods. I have cupcakes in the oven right now. Mmmmm. I specialize in cheesecakes :D

Look at the "tan" on those Lemon Bacopa. In all honesty, the Ammania bonsai (I'm sure it's called something else so someone correct me) looks better in your tank than in mine. Right now mine are cramped up in a tight area; I need to carve our more room for the few that I have.
Nice balance of plants, fish and inverts in there. Thumbs up!
Cheesecake! Love cheesecake.
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Thanks Angela! I'm no stranger to The Albany area I had friends in Nassau, I could get there with my eyes closed...with desserts. Haha.

Hmm we actually had a gathering last night from the aquarium club if you want me to let you know when the next one is let me know :) (not sure if it is a drivable distance for you) who can pass up dinner, beer, and fish talk?!!

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Is tan good or bad on the bacopa? I cut the tops and replanted twice already. They're greener on the bottom, this is just a shot of the tops.
Lakerfan - the red stemmed plant was labelled ammania mauritiana I believe but don't quote me on that, I wouldn't know.
I really need to go get my CPDs!
I'm trying to find out who bred the boraras so I can keep them on speed dial. I was like a kid on Christmas cutting bags open after the auction and didn't bother to write much down. Only the plant names. Silly of me.
I'm thinking I might take out the herby looking plant (limnophila rogosa?) and the other one (echinodorus atlandsberg) and throw those in my empty 5 gal cause I think it's just getting a little crammed in there and I have to get the echnodorus in the substrate. I also have ideas about a little bit of rescaping (again) but I want to see what I'm getting from Brookster first :)
I forgot to tell you guys too...I have a free 40b on the way to me. Can't decide if I'm going to let my bf have that one or hijack it for more plants ;)
Oh man, I don't need cheesecake haha.. i think I sent you more ammania bonsai:( looks like you're good in that dept.

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Honestly that's my fav so you won't hear me complain. I appreciate all of it!
Just means more for the 40 mwahahah
Update time. Got some plants from Brookster, beautiful and a little chilly from surviving the storm.
Me being very excited waiting for them to warm up:

Still warming:

Hoping the ludwigia hangs on:

Blyxa is beautiful and shrimp approved:

Water lettuce is coming back, and I think I may have duckweed? Or are those baby lettuce?

I'm also puling out fistfulls of snails every single day. I don't know how there are so many. They're getting dumped in with my assassins and disappearing, or some I squish and feed to the fish. I don't want to put too many in the hex and have the snails out-eat the aspidoras.
I was supposed to get more fish today, but alas no one can find what I want. The store got in some emerald eye rasboras and I was tempted but I decided not to. Only looking for pygmys, CPDs, and maculatus for now.
So here's the big question. Lots of plants. Not a lot of space. I want to keep the ammania and bacopa in here, and I'm going to plant the ludwigia and blyxa. Should I take some plants out? I'm thinking of either taking out the java fern and giving it a black out because of the algae, or removing the limnophila and echinodorus and planting them in my empty 5 gal just as a plant holding tank. Thoughts?
I had so many extra plants the spouse got me a 10g during the $1/gal sale. Very basic setup with some yellow shrimp and my overly enthusiastic male Endlers are in there as well.

Oh btw, never could come up with room for the chile raboras so I'm getting them for the spouses red rili tank!
Awesome hubby! I'm getting a free 40g this weekend so I'll have some extra plant space until I get it going but I'm wary of planting cause I'll just keep going and forego my original plans for it haha.
Awesome hubby! I'm getting a free 40g this weekend so I'll have some extra plant space until I get it going but I'm wary of planting cause I'll just keep going and forego my original plans for it haha.

Yup, I know that feeling! Can't turn down a free tank though!

Gave him the choice of the rasboras or ember tetras, I think he did well, although there might be comments when he sees the furcata I got today (love love love these little guys!)
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