My fish are spazzing out! floaters,sinkers,

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 12, 2004
four of my fish are slowly dying on the bottom
a couple of them have their mouths extended like gasping for oxygen, but the mouth stays like that.

a couple of them are floating and swimming really fast.
i had an algea problem
added algea fix
i did water changes
it might be the temp swings..
it might be chemicals

are my fish going to be ok???

is it just shock?
any comments are appreciated thank you
I think it could be the algaefix. The Aquarium Pharmacuticals site has a warm weather warning about oxygen depletion for their Pond Care AlgaeFix line (tech info) but this warning is not included in the tech info for their aquarium AlgaeFix line. The active ingredient is the same for both, however. If temps in the tank are high enough, it would be reasonable to assume that this effect would be seen in an aquarium as well.

You could try adding more aeration and seeing if the fish show any relief.
What is the temp of your tank right now? What is the ammonia and nitrite levels?
Increase your aeration as suggested and let us know what's going on!
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