My fish keep dyeing!!!!

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Mahoney said:
Thank you for just explaining it but is there anyway of knowing the levels without buying a test kit? I had a 10 gallon tank and the water was clean and everything idk bout the nitrate and Ammonia levels. I put a 20 gallon filter in my 10 gallon tank so when I got my new tank I just put the filter from my 10 gallon tank in there yesterday. I'm probably going to do a 50% water change today. I have the tetra aqua safe declorinates and conditions and API stress coat, that's what I put in my tank when I do a water change

Just FYI Tetra Aquasafe and API Stress Coat are the exact same product. You only need to use one of them.

After you run out may I recommend using Seachem Prime ? It will last longer and save you money.

If you want to do a Fish In Cycle you can keep the Betta. Or you can get 3 or 4 Zebra Danios or (not AND) Harlequin Rasboras. After a couple of weeks if the tank is stable you can fill in your school. Adding 3 more for a total of 6 or more of the SAME fish would keep them happy.

Adding only a few fish at a time AFTER testing your water and doing partial water changes once a week should be fine.

I've had good luck with both of these fish.

Stocking suggestions for a 20g ?

A nice school of
10 Neon Tetras
Or Harlequin Rasboras or Glowlights Tetras.
5 Dwarf Cory Cats
5 Otocinclus or 2 Nerite Snails

Semi aggressive

6 Tiger Barbs
1 Red Tailed Black Shark or Rainbow Shark
1 Bristle Nose Pleco
6 Red Blue Columbian Tetras


If you want to try live plants, that can also help your tank cycle. You can look at easy Low light plants
Java Fern
Marino Moss Balls
None of them are "planted". Anubias and Ferns are tied to rocks or wood.

BTW I'm one of THOSE idiots that worked at Petsmart. Not all who work in retail are stupid or heartless !!! Some of us love our fish and try to keep customers' fish alive.
Not all Petsmarts or LFS are bad !! But do your homework anyway !!! Tip: I photograph the labels of the fish I like so I can look them up later.

My tanks





ps please help your brother and rehome the Goldfish before they all die. There are many cool fish that will live happily without outgrowing the 10gal.
ksl1972 said:
It should be mandatory for LFS to ask what size tank you have and what fish you already have or if you are planning to put fish that do not belong in the same tank together. I was at pets art and guy was buying baby oscars and neon tetras. Employee was netting the neons and I stepped in and asked. He said yes and I told him that is a pretty expensive treat. Told him he needs to read up on fish before he buys.

Unfortunately it's all busines.
Stocking suggestions for a 20g ?

Semi aggressive

1 Red Tailed Black Shark or Rainbow Shark

I respectfully disagree. Having had a rainbow shark, I can tell you that they require a minimum of 75 gallons to truly thrive. Many sites will recommend 55, but I still don't think that's large enough. I rehomed mine to someone with 125 gallons to offer.
Coursair said:
Just FYI Tetra Aquasafe and API Stress Coat are the exact same product. You only need to use one of them.

After you run out may I recommend using Seachem Prime ? It will last longer and save you money.

If you want to do a Fish In Cycle you can keep the Betta. Or you can get 3 or 4 Zebra Danios or (not AND) Harlequin Rasboras. After a couple of weeks if the tank is stable you can fill in your school. Adding 3 more for a total of 6 or more of the SAME fish would keep them happy.

Adding only a few fish at a time AFTER testing your water and doing partial water changes once a week should be fine.

I've had good luck with both of these fish.

Stocking suggestions for a 20g ?

A nice school of
10 Neon Tetras
Or Harlequin Rasboras or Glowlights Tetras.
5 Dwarf Cory Cats
5 Otocinclus or 2 Nerite Snails

Semi aggressive

6 Tiger Barbs
1 Red Tailed Black Shark or Rainbow Shark
1 Bristle Nose Pleco
6 Red Blue Columbian Tetras


If you want to try live plants, that can also help your tank cycle. You can look at easy Low light plants
Java Fern
Marino Moss Balls
None of them are "planted". Anubias and Ferns are tied to rocks or wood.

BTW I'm one of THOSE idiots that worked at Petsmart. Not all who work in retail are stupid or heartless !!! Some of us love our fish and try to keep customers' fish alive.
Not all Petsmarts or LFS are bad !! But do your homework anyway !!! Tip: I photograph the labels of the fish I like so I can look them up later.

My tanks

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ps please help your brother and rehome the Goldfish before they all die. There are many cool fish that will live happily without outgrowing the 10gal.

Thanks the receipt I got from pet smart says giant danios but when I looked at a picture of the zebra danios that what my fish look like.

Rutrag said:
Mahoney, the picture you posted is of a giant danio.

When I googled zebra danio they pictures looked like that one
I'd still return everything but the betta as those other fish aren't going to be happy in your tank long-term. Then you'll probably have to put the betta in a small tank or something (and I would do daily water changes anyway regardless of what anyone else suggests just to be safe) and fishless cycle the 20 gal. Then once it's cycled, move the Betta into the 20 and then see what else would be compatible with the betta in a 20 gal tank.
I hate to rain on your parade, LG, but it's often a better choice to have the betta enter the tank last, so he doesn't own the environment. The other choice is to do a major rescape put the other fish in then return the betta to the tank, last.
I hate to rain on your parade, LG, but it's often a better choice to have the betta enter the tank last, so he doesn't own the environment. The other choice is to do a major rescape put the other fish in then return the betta to the tank, last.

Ah, gotcha, thanks for the clarification!
the picture is definitely a giant danio. zebras danios have more defined stripes and will stay 3-4 times smaller
Ya Mahoney that's a giant danio, a zebra danio has horizontal stripes on it's body, I've had my 5 since I first got my tank. No deaths thank god. The only losses I had were 4 cardinals and 6 neons to a pack of 4 angry black skirts. No deaths since I returned them. I love the combo of rummynoses and bloodfins.
librarygirl said:
I'd still return everything but the betta as those other fish aren't going to be happy in your tank long-term. Then you'll probably have to put the betta in a small tank or something (and I would do daily water changes anyway regardless of what anyone else suggests just to be safe) and fishless cycle the 20 gal. Then once it's cycled, move the Betta into the 20 and then see what else would be compatible with the betta in a 20 gal tank.

That's the plan
-Mac- said:
I hate to rain on your parade, LG, but it's often a better choice to have the betta enter the tank last, so he doesn't own the environment. The other choice is to do a major rescape put the other fish in then return the betta to the tank, last.

I was thinking that
Homer8 said:
the picture is definitely a giant danio. zebras danios have more defined stripes and will stay 3-4 times smaller

Oh well thats just what showed up when I googled it so I was hoping they were zebra danios so I could keep them
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