My New Tank

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They're very active. Swimming around the bag, seemingly impatient. I ended up with the long finned ones. They are really pretty. Acclimation is almost over. How's the guppy?

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
Coleallensmom said:
Some people enjoy plecos..nothing wrong with that. There is however IMO something wrong with purposely and knowingly buying one that will grow too large for your tank. There are several type of plecos out there that stay small and would be perfectly acceptable for a smaller tank.

I used to dislike plecos. But I've recently fell in love with them! I can't buy any right now because my tank won't allow it. But when upgrade, im going to get 2 bristles.

Homedog98 said:
Awesome! After I'm done with my upgrade I want a 55 gallon, but I need to convince my mom first. :)

I know convincing my dad is hard! Not even strait A's for two marking periods straight will do the trick. Lol. But I have a ten gallon and have a baby RTS (red tail shark) in it. He of course was my dads choice, and made me get it. Well 3 months later he is even bigger so posted an add here on AA selling the little guy. When my dad heard this he was shocked and I said a bigger tank will prevent this! He FINALLY CAVED after 1 year! And said screw it just get a 50 gallon. The number 50 shattered as he said it, as you would imagine considering the biggest tank I've had was a 10. I really just wanted a 29. but sure A FIFTY :) The only catch is, like my other tanks I have to buy it all. Which isn't really a problem because I have an emergency fund in my room from shoveling the snow all over town. Oh and I just have to clean the entire basement :)

Any post using the word gay was removed. Remember that we are a family site. Try keeping this thread on topic or it will be closed.
melosu58 said:
Any post using the word gay was removed. Remember that we are a family site. Try keeping this thread on topic or it will be closed.

I apologize. I don't think any of us were thinking when we wrote those posts.

Reposting about the fish: They all are doing great, and acclimated well. They are schooling wonderfully, and are starting to venture all around the tank.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
Dylan5359 said:
Maybe you should put some pictures on AA? :)


I should. So here you go. Sorry, the aquarium light made the fish into white blobs. I'll try to get some better ones soon.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.


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They Are all tetras? And haha when first saw them I thought ey were all dead, white floating on the surface! Thanks for clarifying that,

Dylan5359 said:
They Are all tetras? And haha when first saw them I thought ey were all dead, white floating on the surface! Thanks for clarifying that,


None of mine are tetras. Were you asking homedog? These are all long finned zebra danios.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
Oh. No I skimmed through the thread and saw tetras somewhere. I guess it was homedog's post.

Yeah. The room is too dark for a photo without the aquarium light. I can try when it's not dark out. When I did turn the aquarium light off, thy freaked out. I felt bad for not turning it off earlier. They freaked when it was all of a sudden darkness! Sorry fishies!!

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
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