My tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 22, 2013
Hi everyone,

I am new to the site and am just starting my first thread. I have a couple questions about my tank. First off, my tank is a starter kit complete 14G tank and has been running for about 1 1/2 months. At the moment I have all small new fish, they are (3 male fancy guppies, 1 panda cory, 1 julii cory, 1 micky mouse platy, 2 cherry shrimp and 5 ghost shrimp) and in the next couple of minutes I am planning on putting my new 1" GBR into the tank, so I was wondering if that would be okay to put in with all these fish. Since I'm going to put him in anyway, I'm just wondering if he can still live a good life in there if it's just him + those other fish.

To many fish in there to be able to keep a GBR, the smaller shrimp would be eaten and the guppies and platy might get a bit of ramming.
I wouldn't keep Rams in anything less than 16 gallon long, even this a bit small if more fish where wanted. Rams require super water quality which will be hard to maintain in a small tank with other fish in there.
Ok thanks, but I already have him in there, and he's really only an inch long and very small overall, i'm hoping he'll be fine, but I get what you're saying.

Thanks for the advice
To many fish in there to be able to keep a GBR, the smaller shrimp would be eaten and the guppies and platy might get a bit of ramming.
I wouldn't keep Rams in anything less than 16 gallon long, even this a bit small if more fish where wanted. Rams require super water quality which will be hard to maintain in a small tank with other fish in there.

I agree with this with this with ^.... If you want him to live a happy life (for the moment) lower your fish count to just him as the main fish. Maybe a pleco and a single Cory. That's about what you should have in a 14 gallon. Hope it helps
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