mystery fry

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 12, 2010
Dayton, Ohio (Ohio's toilet bowl lol)
for some odd reason i keep on finding new fry in my tank. my platy just had about 30 fry and i think she had a few stragglers, a few weeks ago one of my mollies had about 6 babies that i found, and i know who the father is. but today when i got home from class, i found my 1 ghost shrimp snacking on another molly fry! i found 3 more in the tank i took 2 out and the other is hiding in some plants. there are also some platy fry surviving in there as well. do yall think that maybe having babies in the tank cause the others to decide to drop? and i cannot for the life of me find out which molly is dropping these babies because none of them are showing any gravid spots or big bellies!
they store the sperm. so once they drop they reload and the cycle starts over again. if you have several females its prob one after another dropping as the cycle happens. normal breeding cycle is about 3 weeks.
yeah youre right but i wish i could figure out which one is doing it. they dont give me any signals like the platy does i can pretty much get her ready within hours, but with the mollies its like BAM. fry in the tank. and with the 2 males in there im sure they have a unlimited supply of sperm too. im going to have to separate them for about a month though because im running out of room
Ugh, I hate that! My wife is addicted to livebearers (sign to come?). I like guppies cuz you can tell by their gravid spot. She got 2 balloon mollies a week ago. I can tell one is preggo but I have no clue how far along. But I am not too worried, with livebearers you will have a good population, juast wait.
i would do that or depending on the size of the tank find something that likes them as a snack. Like angels or something.
well i have a 20g planted and there is room in there for like maybe a few more but no an explosion...and i have a 1 gal that i use for the newborns and a one gal fish bowl that i had for a goldfish. i plan on moving this year then im going to go get like a 30 or 50 gal then ill be fine with all the baby makin. until then, i may have to just give em away....
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