Name my Clowns! AND THE WINNER IS!!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 3, 2004
Peoria, IL
I have two new clowns. They need to be named. I can't think of any good names myself so help me out!

The winner(s) get 100 kudos!

Also can anyone tell me if they are percs or Ocellaris clowns? I have no idea what the difference is. :p

Pics are in my gallery!
I don't know much about clowns and I can't tell what sex they are, but that might help in naming them... wouldn't want one of them to have a complex... Here's the few that I've come up with so far...
Bozo (that one's my favorite), giggles, happy, merlin(just had to add that one), bubbles(my wife said that one), Rocket & Season, Fish & Tank, Friend & Food(you could say, "that's friend not food..."), Swirl, Swish, Dorothy(even though it's not a goldfish), Orange & Banana (aren't you glad I didn't......) Ok, I'm real tired... I could come up with more but I'll stop... but...... has anyone every named their fish after a fellow Aquarium Advice member? I suppose that would be quite a tribute to a person... Well, good luck picking...
how about bonnie & clyde? or you could do the hurricane thing (florida thing) and do bonnie or charlie, or francis and ivan, or mebbe jeanne and whatever male name hurricane hits us next. lol
Tristan and Isolde, Elizabeth and Darcy, Kate and Petruchio (they will fight a lot), Strum and Drang, Heloise and Abelard. I let my 3 year old name all the fish in my house, so I don't get to use any fancy names--my clownfish are Squish and Smudge. :)
I still like Bozo... If I ever had a clownfish, that would be his name... but that's just me... sooooooooo, any ideas if you're close to a choice yet or do you want more and more ideas....
Name them after a variation of your wife/girlfriend/family member's name. I named my first two bettas after my husband (he was thrilled, lol). His first name is Steve -- Stephen -- the fish's name was Little Stephie. Middle name is Emil -- other fish's name was Little Emmy. Try something like that!
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