Neat looking algae

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 29, 2004
Davis, CA

The red stuff and the green stuff. The red algae (need to scape glass for clearer picture) is also pod heaven. The only area of my tank which seems to have pods.
Looks a little like Polysiphonia, Ceramium rubrum, Janina Rubens.. I could go on..

Can't tell for the life of me even hazard what the green is - can you get a better picture of it? I can't even tell the shape.
I believe that the green might be Halimeda discoidea. Not a bad algae at all, in fact one I was considering purchasing :]

Should be fairly safe from most herbivores, I think.

I'm also pretty sure Halimeda will warn you before going sexual by displaying dark dots, so all in all, nothing you ought to mind living in your tank.
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