Need advice for 55gal tank upgrade

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 21, 2011
Hi! I know its been a while since I last posted and I need some advice with upgrading to a larger tank. I'm looking into getting a 55gal but I may go higher. I would like some recamendations for types of lighting, types of plants, what I should look for in a filter (I prefer HOB) and heater, what chemicals and solutions that I will need, plus the stand for the tank and all that good stuff. I'm also looking for the cheaper more effecient way of going about this however it has come to my understanding that its not allways the way to go and may not be avalable. I'm also going to note that I have a limited amount of money that I'm putting into this, but that shouldnt be a large issue. I also want to know if it matters what floor of my house this tank will be in because at the momnet its going on the second floor.

Thanks for your help, its greatly appreciated.
Just thought it was funny that both of us posted similar questions at the same time! Haha
what is your current stock in your 10 gallon. will that stock be going into the 55, are you dong high tech or low tech planted

I recommend 2 Fluval M200 heaters, 2 aquaclear 70, a python for changing water (unless you like buckets),

Have you considered getting a used tank from craigslist
calfishguy said:
what is your current stock in your 10 gallon. will that stock be going into the 55, are you dong high tech or low tech planted

I recommend 2 Fluval M200 heaters, 2 aquaclear 70, a python for changing water (unless you like buckets),

Have you considered getting a used tank from craigslist

Ok yes some of the stock including a Pleco will be moved. I think I'm doing low tech for the plants, nothing special
What type of budget are you on?
If it rather low may I suggest producre made tetra or wardly..... They are rathe cheap and easy to find plus they are petty blood quality for the price
GhillieSniper115 said:
Hi! I know its been a while since I last posted and I need some advice with upgrading to a larger tank. I'm looking into getting a 55gal but I may go higher. I would like some recamendations for types of lighting, types of plants, what I should look for in a filter (I prefer HOB) and heater, what chemicals and solutions that I will need, plus the stand for the tank and all that good stuff. I'm also looking for the cheaper more effecient way of going about this however it has come to my understanding that its not allways the way to go and may not be avalable. I'm also going to note that I have a limited amount of money that I'm putting into this, but that shouldnt be a large issue. I also want to know if it matters what floor of my house this tank will be in because at the momnet its going on the second floor.

Thanks for your help, its greatly appreciated.

When I lived with my dad my aquarium was always on the second floor. I have I think a 50 gallon. It now stays with me in my apartment which is, also, on the second floor. First floor is always no doubt the better choice, but the second shouldn't really be a problem if it's what you really want. Just remember that 55 gallons is a LOT of water. When you get it, don't fill it all the way and let it sit over night to make sure there are no leaks. 55 gallons of water leaking through your ceiling isn't a fun mess to clean up. When I upgraded, we learned that the hard way.
RikaMitsukane said:
When I lived with my dad my aquarium was always on the second floor. I have I think a 50 gallon. It now stays with me in my apartment which is, also, on the second floor. First floor is always no doubt the better choice, but the second shouldn't really be a problem if it's what you really want. Just remember that 55 gallons is a LOT of water. When you get it, don't fill it all the way and let it sit over night to make sure there are no leaks. 55 gallons of water leaking through your ceiling isn't a fun mess to clean up. When I upgraded, we learned that the hard way.

Lol thanks. Yea I'll be sure to check.
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