Need advise on setting up a 3foot Cichlid Tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 14, 2006
I'm going to check out the links attached to the welcome sticky, but in the mean time can someone give a basic run down on things to consider when setting up a Cichlid Tank.

I'm thinking of using a 3foot tank and was wondering should I consider this a tiny tank? Anyone out there recommend about how many of what sort that could be house in that.

Are the very coloufull ones harder to look after?
What kind of plants are good for such a setup?

Just what ever comes to mind would be great.

How many gals is the 3 foot tank you are considering? Depending on width and height the tank may be too small for cichlids. Cichlids IMO should be housed in at least 55 gals.
For smaller tanks you might want to consider dwarf cichlids such as German Blue rams or Bolivian rams. GBR's are very colorful.

If the tank is larger the options on types of cichlids gets much larger. When considering cichlids you need to research what kinds appeal to you and then keep fish from the same lakes in the same tank. I have 125 gal Malawi tank.

Filtration for cichlids is important, they are messy fish. I run 20x turnover of water on my cichlid tank. Also sandy bottoms are good for cichlids as they dig in the sand.

There is so much info about cichlids I can go into but first start out with what size in gals your tank is and what kind of cichlids appeal to you and then myself and other members can offer advice without overwhelming you.
Thanks heaps Zagz,
I wish I had a tank that big.

I just picked up the tank today. I was told to treat it as though it was 30gal. Looks like its going to be dwarf cichlids for me

My largest is 48”/18”/18” someone told me that was a 70gal and the guy who sold it said it was 55gal. I don’t suppose you could calculate that at all. It would greatly be appreciated. I’ve been breeding pleco’s and it’s going reasonably well. I now want to make the move to cichlids to make a crystal clear bright and colourful tank. I thought a 30gal tank would make a good intro before moving onto bigger things?

I did mange to follow the fist link in the welcome sticky and have been transfixed since. I am really looking forward to sinking my teeth into the cichlids and show them who is boss

Filters? The tank I picked up came with an internal bio filter like I am using in my 4 foot tank. I think I am going to use a different filter this time around. Can you tell me does 800lph sound about right for a 30gal? When you say filtration is important, should I get something a little more powerful and work out weather to brake down the current or not depending on fish? Or should I just get a High Quality Filter full stop as is 0.3micron stoppers ect…

Sand sound good, Make a good change. I’ve read it may be better to get this in the form of finely crushed gravel. I wonder what the debate is there. Whatever you can help with would be fantastic.

Tanks is 30gal
Fish? Looks like I love the dwarf kind now (BRIGHT COLOURFULL I guess)

Sorry just a quick add on...PLANTS? Just when I thought I was getting somewhere I checked out the plants section and boy, what a specilized feild it seems to be. I love plants and have noticed some cichlids owners prefer to keep none due to the fish pulling them to bits.

I,d rather not have fake plants (no ofense) Is there an recommendation you make in regards to plant and cichilds in a 30gal?

Thanks again.
A 48x18x18 would hold about 67 gallons.
15552 cubic inch = 67.324675325 gallon [US, liquid]

For a 30G, either a Filstar XP1 or XP2 would do you good. The XP2 would give you more media room, but will need to turn down the output a little, where the XP1 will be perfect for flow. I have an XP2 on my 29G Bolivian Ram breeding tank. I have a single pair in there, had a 3rd in there, but the male was getting a little too aggressive towards the other.

If you would prefer a biowheel HOB, then theirs filters like the Emperor 280, Aquaclears, Penguins, etc. All depends on what you want to try this go-around, cannister or HOB.

One last thing also. With Rams, you really need to keep the water pristine, or they won't do well. Also, you should also plant the tank, which is their preferred setting. And if you get a chance, go through my 75G and 29G threads. I'm pretty much into Rams, and have done quite a bit with my planted tanks. :)
Thanks also Lonewolfblue,
I,ll go check out those threads now over my morning coffee, and get back to yas later:)
You will love keeping GBR's or Bolivian Rams. They are such beautiful fish! There is a thread here on German Blue rams. Here is the link to the thread. It's a good read, very informative.
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